Hello and happy Sunday everyone! Don't you just love when a month starts on a Sunday? It seriously feels so nice when the week and month start at the same time. Today I'm doing another round of Month @ a Glance, but before we get started, how in the world are we already in the last quarter of 2023?! This year feels like it is going too fast, yet not fast enough.
October is such a special month for us because it's the month we got married and it is filled with most of my favorite events we do with our friends every year.
On the Agenda this Month:
1. Basement Cleanout. We rented a dumpster for a week to go through our basement and start trashing a lot of the stuff that has been taking up space and creating a home for the spiders. We got the dumpster on Wednesday and have spent quite a bit of time going through the basement. I'm hoping we can hit a few other areas of the house too once we finish the basement.
2. Cheer & Football for our niece and nephew. We missed the summer sports for the kiddos, so we're making it a point to go and watch our niece cheer and our nephew play football. We actually went to see our niece last night, but thought I would share since it was basically October.
3. Motor City Mech Meetup. We're finally going to a meetup that's near our house after all the meetups we did this year! Last year it was our first every meetup so it only seems right that we would be going again this year. I'm excited to see what they do this year since it's a larger building.
4. Apple Picking. Our annual trip for apple picking will be in early October and I'm excited! We go every year with our friends and it seems a pretty good group of people are going to make it this year.
5. 1st Birthday for my Friend's Daughter. It's hard to believe, buy my friends daughter (or my niece) is turning one on Friday the 13th. I'm excited to celebrate her birthday and spend some time with my friend.
6. Spooky Brunch with the Girls. I'm excited because my friends and I have regularly got together for brunch this year and we are doing a spooky brunch for October. I've been brain storming a few fun ideas of spooky themed items to serve + we will be making Halloween cups.
Goals for October:
October marks the last 90 days of the year so I will be focusing on a Last 90 Days Challenge. The idea originally came from Rachel Hollis, but I will be tweaking it a bit for myself because some of hers don't work for my life.
Rachel has developed 5 goals for the Last 90 Days Challenge that you can use exactly as they are to make things super simple. She calls them her ‘5 To Thrive’.
They are:
1. Get up an hour earlier than you normally do and use the time for yourself
2. Workout for at least thirty minutes
3. Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water each day
4. Give up one food category you know you shouldn’t be eating
5. Write down ten things you’re grateful for every single day
When I did my most recent last 90 Days Challenge, I ended up getting sick from drinking so much water. There is literally a thing as drinking too much water so I had to adjust. I also found that getting up 1 hour earlier to use that time for myself didn't work well because I needed the sleep more than I needed that time for myself. I am definitely a person that needs their sleep so it ended up being more damaging to me to get up early especially when I wasn't able to fall asleep any earlier.
I love that her goals are focused on health and wellness; however, they just didn't quite meet my needs so I have adjusted them a little bit to meet what I need while also adding health and overall wellness for myself.
For myself, I made a few changes. For my last 90 days I am focusing on the following items:
1. 30 minutes of exercise a day. This is consistent with the other one because I think it's important to get some movement every day. The next few days I will be using cleaning out the basement as my exercise as we're taking stuff out of the basement to the garage which is a lot of walking up and down the hill.
2. 80+ oz of water a day. When I did last 90 days for the first time a few years back I was trying to drink 1/2 my body weight in oz and it was just too much for my system. I found a good balance of 80oz a day so that's what I will be doing.
3. Gratitude journaling. This one is also the same as Rachel Hollis; however, she had a specification of 10 things. I'm going to just jot down a few things I am thankful for every day and if it ends up being 10 things that works for me.
4. Read for 15 minutes or 15 pages. Reading has not been a priority for me this year and I am so sad about that. I love to read books and really want to prioritize this for the rest of the year. So my goal is to read for 15 minutes or if possible at least 15 pages. It will help me work through books I haven't been finishing.
5. Daily self-care. If you're even slightly neurodivergent like myself, then you know the first thing that goes out the window is self-care. So for the last 90 days my focus is on self-care. This includes brushing, flossing and rinsing my mouth TWO times a day (I usually get one in but need more - embarrassing but it is what it is). I also want to stick to my skin care routine which is not just washing my face but doing my serums, lotions and scrubs. The last thing is making sure I am taking all my vitamins and medications that I should be every day.
Like previous months I will be using a tracker that I created which was inspired by Evermore Paper Co.. Their website is still down, so I am using my version I created for tracking this month. I'm hoping their site will go back up soon, but if you'd like to use mine, just click on the image at the end of this post - to be clear their version was free and this version is free. I will not earn any income from this printable.
On top of the last 90 days goals, I am also planning to track all my meals every day. I am not restricting my food or anything, just tracking everything to get a reality track of what I'm eating on a daily basis. I would like to lose some weight so I am thinking this is a good start.
Well I think that is everything for today! I hope you have a great month!
Question of the Day: What do you have planned in October?

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