Q1 2024 Goals Checkin {04.03.24}

Hi friends and happy Wednesday! I hope you have had a great week so far and the week ends well for you! For today's post I thought I would do a check in for the first quarter of 2024 and help keep myself accountable for the rest of the year.  Originally I had planned to do this monthly, but somehow forgot the last few months so I am moving it to quarterly. 

My goals were broken down into four categories: Health, Wealth, Personal and Business.  I'm going to give a quick update on each category. 

My first goal was to lose weight for the year.  Unfortunately, I have not lost any weight since mid-January.  That being said, I have also not gained back any weight either.  My goal was to lose around 50 pounds or so for 2024, but with the delay I'm thinking 40 is a more reasonable number.  We will see though! 

1. Fitness
For 2024, I have given myself two fitness goals:

a. Close my exercise ring on my Apple watch every day for the year.  Out of the first 90 days of the year, I managed to close my exercise ring 65 times.  While it's not a perfect score, it averages out to at least every other day.  

b. Increase my flexibility.  I downloaded a few guides to help with this, but have not actively done those every day.  Need to pick them back up. 

2. Vitamins/Medications
For 2024, the goal was to take vitamins daily and use my inhaler daily.  I have been very consistent with taking my vitamins but my inhaler has been lacking.  Given that we're going into a season change it would be a good time to make sure I'm taking it regularly. 

3. Water Intake
The goal is to drink 80 oz of water a day and overall I'm doing good.  I definitely do not drink 80 oz every single day, but I am drinking more water overall.

For 2024, we are starting back on the debt payoff journey.  
These are the two goals I would really like to accomplish in 2024: 

1. Pay off 2 credit cards in full.  If my calculations are correct, we will have two credit paid off by the end of May.  They're two of our smaller credit cards, but either way they will be paid off.  

2. Finally pay off my student loans.  I am hitting the very end of paying off my student loans so I should have no issue paying them off by the end of the year.  If I really push myself, I think I could tackle them by September at the latest. 
Stretch goal: Save $5000. I haven't started on this goal yet, but I have plans in place to save some money over the rest of the year.  

Below are the personal goals I put in for myself:

1. Read 12 books. I am excited to share that I've read a total of 10 books in 2024 between January and March.  I have no doubt I'll be able to hit my goal well before the end of 2024. 

2. Skin care routine. While I haven't been super great at doing the skin care I am happy to report that I have put together good products that work for me and don't hurt my skin.  If you want to check out what I am using, check out this post: An Oblivious Girl's Guide to Skin Care

3. Purge around the house. This one is a bit vague, but the idea is to just reduce the amount of clutter we have around the house and right now I've done my clothes and few spaces in the kitchen.  I really need to make a plan for purging the house so I'll add that to my to do list.

4. Instagram followers at 500. I have been getting a stead increase this year and have made it to 462 followers.  I'm hopeful by the end of the year I'll hit that 500 goal.  Ironically, I have been working more on my Bookstagram account and that one hit 500 followers in just shy of two months.  And let me tell you, I love that community.  Everyone is so nice and I'm loving making new friends. If you want to follow my Instagram, check it out below.

5. Pregnant by the end of 2024. The last goal I have is to be pregnant by the end of the year.  I know there's not much I can really do to make this happen, we have started working with some doctors to help us achieve this goal.  Hopefully by the end of the year I'll be sharing some exciting news with you all. 

For my business goal I have two areas of focus:

1. Have 400 members in the Facebook Group.  As of today I am at 282 members in the group, so I have approximately 118 more to go to hit my goal.  I need to brainstorm ideas of how to get new members.

2. Earn $300 in 2024. This one is a bit trivial, so far in 2024 I've made an average of $12 a month.  I am very excited with the amount and cannot wait to see how the rest of the year goes! The rate is a behind my amount needed to hit my goal, but regardless I'm excited.  

If you're interested in joining the group, check it out here: Shop with Me, Jackabee.  Every month I do a giveaway for those that participate and as we hit new member goals I will be doing giveaways as well.

Well that is everything for today! How are your goals going for the year? Check in below or over on my Facebook Page

Have a wonderful day,

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