Tuesday Things {12.03.24}

Happy Tuesday friends! I hope you are enjoying a great start to your week and have many fun things to look forward to for the rest of the week. Today I am doing another round of 5 Things Friday where I share 5 things from the past week. If you want to see past Tuesday Things, click here.

1. Baking cookies is always so much fun, but man is it not good to have them around the house.  I feel like ever time I go to the kitchen I end up taking a cookie (or three) and that cannot be good for my diet.  

2. How is your Christmas shopping going? I think I'm like 95% done? I have a few little things to get for Justin's stocking and a few things for a friend of mine but otherwise, I think I am doing great and cannot wait to get them all wrapped and ready to give out to friends and family. 

3. We actually have snow here in Michigan which is blowing my mind.  The last few years we haven't had a ton of show - especially this early in the season - and this year we've already got some snow and some cooler temperatures.  I honestly do not mind the snow/cold so I'm thrilled that it's here. 

4. I have a bunch of errands to run this week - mostly returns and pick ups so I am hoping those go smoothly.  Sometimes during the holidays it can be a bit chaotic to run out and do even the simplest thing.

5. I have been sewing a tree skirt for my coworker and I'm excited about it.  I followed a pattern and it's been so fun watching the whole thing come together.  She had these beautiful and colorful fabrics and I cannot wait to see how they come together under her tree.  

Well that is all for today! I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday and great rest of your week.

Until next time,

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