Aloha Gifts

Hello! I am so excited because my friend, Sarah, went to Hawaii with her family a few weeks back and she brought me some gifts from Hawaii.
I have not tried the Wow Wee chocolate yet because I want to make sure I savor every.single.bite.  She gave me the milk chocolate one with potato chips right in it.  Doesn't it sound SO delicious? She also gave me a flower (which she said looks more real than the ones they had there) and a pair of earrings. 
After she passed out the wonderful gifts, the ladies and I took some time to do our nails.  Danielle has a gel kit that she bought off of Hautelook, and she was doing Caroline's nails when Frye decided that he wanted to be part of the party.
Isn't he just so sweet? He always has to be in the center of everything.
Sarah painted my nails to look like a Robin's Egg.  What an interesting look!  To get this look you just need a Tiffany Blue nail polish and gold glitter nail polish.  Sarah had to do a second coat with the blue because it otherwise was too light.  Then once you have all of your layers done, you top it with a clear coat to keep the glitter in place. 
I love spending time with my girls and wish that we all did not have such busy lifestyles so we could see each other more often.
Question of the Day:
What is your favorite nail polish?
Do you like to use glitter?

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