First Trip to the Farmer's Market

Hello Everyone! Here is my update for Saturday September 22nd!
As you can tell by the title of the post, this was my first trip to the farmers market! I got up early and headed out to meet my friend Wendy so we could go shopping for some yummy fruits and veggies.  However, we we got there, it was raining and it was cold.  So we headed out to a little cafe called The Bean & Leaf and sat around catching up since I hadn't seen her since her wedding in July.  Luckily, the sun decided to make an appearance, and we took the opportunity to shop around downtown Rochester and I ended up getting some really cute baby clothes for my sister-in-law!

A few neat things were happening at the Farmer's Market while we were there.  First, they were having "Rochester's Great American Bakesale".  During the bake sale, they provided opportunities for children to decorate a cupcake and all the proceeds went to benefit the No Kid Hungry Campaign.  What a neat opportunity to help support a campaign to feed hungry children.  The other net thing was the music machines that were playing as we walked around the farmer's market.  I think my favorite music machine was the one playing all of the music from Mary Poppins.  I loved that movie when I was little and loved the trip down memory lane as the music played.
As I mentioned above, I got some things for my future neice!

I absolutely LOVE the black and white polka dot dress! And, I got it at a ridiculously cheap price :)
I can't wait to meet Ms. McKenna when she gets here next week!

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