Thanksgiving 2012

Happy Belated Thanksgiving Everyone! I hope your Holiday was as wonderful as ours was.

I started the day off by getting up nice and early to go to a 90 minute total body workout class and it was intense! It consisted of a wide variety of muscle toners mixed in with some bursts of cardio.  I look forward to trying this class again when I have the time.

Our Thanksgiving was split between Justin's family and my family.  After I showered quickly, we headed up to his parents house for a couple of hours to eat and relax.  

My favorite part, as always, is spending time with our niece and nephew.  I was pretty excited too because that is the first time Justin has held his niece.  He is rather timid when it comes to babies, so it was a big step that he held her! Such a precious picture.  

Justin's cousin Wesley also joined us for the day because his family was headed out of town and he had to work, so that is him doing a puzzle with J.P..  How sweet!

After a DELICIOUS dinner at my in-law's house, we headed out to my uncles for Round II.  We didn't really eat much there, but we did enjoy the family's company and a wonderful bonfire! 

This is only a small portion of the number of cousins I have can you believe it? It's always so awesome to spend time with them and catch up!

And it looks like Wesley blended in nicely with our family.  He's having fun with the youngest on my mom's side, Jackson.

As is tradition in both our families, we always tell each other what we are thankful for.  For me, this year, I am thankful for my wonderful husband, Justin, who understands me better than I understand myself.  I am thankful for my family and for my in-laws who have accepted me as one of their own.  I am thankful for my friends and how much joy they bring to my life.  I am thankful for my job and the new opportunities it is providing me.  And last but not least, I am thankful for everyone who takes time out of their busy lives to read my blog.  It is because of you that I continue to share my ramblings so often.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

P.S. The Edible Acorns were a BIG hit with my family! I hope you enjoy them as much as we all did!

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