It's Hump Day!

Happy Hump Day Everyone! We're halfway through the week and I'm secretly excited that I only have two more days of work this week because we have a fun weekend planned ahead of us.  

It's a rather chilly day here in Michigan and I am sporting my favorite scarf and mittens to keep me warm.  That is one of my favorite things about living here in Michigan, getting to have a wide variety of clothing and accessories to match the season we're in.

Last night Janna had a training session at the gym with a trainer and I was not feeling too into working out so we did a quick treadmill workout that I found on PBFingers blog.

It does not look too hard when you are looking at the numbers on the page, but I definitely worked hard and can feel it in my legs today.  Plus, the burst of running for 5 minutes gives you the extra kick this workout needs.  By the time we finished this workout, I had burned 400 calories and had sweat dripping down my face like someone had dumped water on my head.  That was a good workout and it was only 30 minutes long.

Every Wednesday since July of last year, my mom and I have religiously have gone to Weight Watchers meetings and tonight is no different than any other Wednesday.  If you have not heard much about Weight Watchers, check out the site here.

Last summer when I joined Weight Watchers purely with the focus on losing weight for our Wedding in October 2011 and I did lose weight.  By the time the wedding came (three months later) I had lost 12 pounds and felt better than I have since high school.  The thing I love most about Weight Watchers is the freedom to choose what you are eating.  Most other diets tell you to eliminate carbohydrates, sugars, meat, etc., but with Weight Watchers you are never forced to eliminate anything.  You choose what you eat.  It teaches you the power of portion control and that is one of the most important factors in losing weight.

If you are thinking about doing Weight Watchers, please to not hesitate contacting me.  I will share as much as I can.

Question of the Day:
What are you favorite seasonal accessories?

Mine are definitely scarves.  If it was appropriate to wear them ALL year long, I would.  

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