Happy Tuesday Everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and Monday! Sorry for the delay in my posting.  Our weekend was super busy, so I ended up not having the time to post, but I will make up for it today!

I am super excited to announce that as of this morning, I have had my blog viewed 1500 times by readers! This makes me really happy and I am so grateful for all of your support and for your continued following!

This past weekend was filled with a ton of fun and exciting events.  

Friday night, Janna and I tried the newest circuit workout addition to the PBFingers blog and it was awesome.

What I liked about this particular workout was the wide variety of exercises that touched a ton of different muscles.  I did want to share the weight amount that we used for each exercise, in case you were thinking about doing this yourself.
  • Plank + Row: 5 lbs
  • Deadlifts: 24 lbs (12 lb in each hand)
  • Overhead Presses: 16 lbs (8 lb in each hand)
  • Bicep Curls: 16 lbs (8 lb in each hand)
  • Should Raises: 16 lbs (8 lb in each hand)
We picked 24 lbs for the deadlifts because we had previously done 60 lbs in another workout that was just a bit too much.  We also only had access to 12 lb weights in the area that we were working out.  So that just made sense.  If you decide to try this workout, I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!


Saturday morning I got up early to go get my hair done.  I decided to go a bit darker and so far I like the color quite a bit.  After my hair appointment, I ran home to get ready to go shopping with Danielle for a $5.00 gift for the gift exchange at the Christmas party Saturday night.  Do you have 5 Below in your area? If so, you should check it out! Everything in the store is $5.00 or less.  So exciting! I managed to get a fleece blanket and a cute headband for $6.

The party was super fun! We did a white elephant type exchange, but instead of stealing based on the gift, we were stealing based on the wrapping! I ended up with some really cute cookie making items! We also had a bunch of delicious foods and desserts.  The best part? We all got to wear our comfy pajamas to the party.  Such a fun evening!


Sunday Justin and I got up early to go get our Christmas tree with his family.  Last year for our first Christmas as a married couple we decided to start the tradition of getting a real tree and picking it out with my in-laws.  It's always fun seeing the wide variety of trees we get to pick from and the wide choices between the different families.

Unfortunately, I experienced some sort of allergic reaction, so I spent most of the afternoon sleeping off the Benadryl I had to take to help with the swelling.  Luckily, after a 4 1/2 hour nap, I was up and ready to go for the movie date we had planned with my friend, Sarah, and her brother, Kelsey.

We ended up seeing Skyfall with them and I REALLY enjoyed the movie.  It was exciting from beginning to end and I was constantly on the edge of my seat.  I would recommend this movie for anyone looking for a good, exciting movie.

Questions of the Day:
Do you get a real or fake Christmas tree?
If you get a real one, do you cut it down yourself?

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