Favorite Holiday Tradition

I love the Holidays.  I love the snow, the tree, the parties, the gifts, but most of all I love spending time with family.  

Every year all of the girl cousins and I have a sleepover at Grandma's House and it is a tradition we have been doing since I was pretty little.  I love it, Grandma always make us sloppy Joe's for dinner and we have pancakes, bacon and sausage.  We didn't have the sloppy Joe's for dinner this year because our entire family was over and they did the traditional potluck. 

Another part of the cousin sleepover tradition is grandma buying us all matching pajamas.  I'm sure you can tell from the picture that we got footie pajamas this year.  It was hilarious because we had to run out to Walgreen's to get some frosting for cookies and medicine for Nicole because she was feeling a bit under the weather.

While at the store, we found a real Sock Monkey that danced and managed to sneak a few dances (and a few weird looks) while at Walgreen's.  I love how goofy these girls are.  After our trip to the store, we decorated some sugar cookies.  

 I made my favorite type of sugar cookie recipe that runs in our family and the cookies turned out pretty awesome! Once I have a few minutes I will make sure to post the recipe! I do have to warn you though, the cookies have cream cheese in them, so they are not as sweet as you would expect.

After decorating our cookies, we hung out talking until about 2:00 am.  Which was great because I do not get to talk to them all that often because we all live all over the state of Michigan.  

Well, I'm of to go spend time with Justin! Have a great night everyone.

Question of the Day:
What's your favorite Holiday tradition?

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