Upper Body and Abs Workout

Happy Sunday Everyone! I trust that your weekend has been exciting.  I must apologize for the lack of posts the last few days.  I ended up working from home Thursday and Friday and my routine got completely thrown off whack.

The past few days have been busy to say the very least! Thursday I spent the day working around the house to get things cleaned and organized because we are still unpacking from our move a few weeks back.  I also managed to wrap almost all of the Christmas presents I needed to for my family and for Justin.  I love wrapping Christmas presents, so it was my kind of day at home.  I also managed to get the cookie dough done so it could refrigerate over night as necessary.

Friday was a bit more busy since I went to the gym and ran some errands.  The original plan was to go to a Low Impact Aerobics class, but we could not figure out where it was supposed to be so we ended up creating a workout of our own.

I love any and all workouts that workout the abs, but I often do not find any that work the arms specifically.  This one was tough on my arms and I look forward to doing it again sometime soon.  

After doing this workout, I ran out to a few stores to get a few last minute stocking stuffers and Christmas gifts, along with a few groceries that we needed for the next week.  Man was it busy out there! I'd hate to be out shopping today or tomorrow! Complete madness.

Question of the Day:
What is your favorite body part to workout?

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