Holiday Classics

Holy cow I cannot believe it is already Wednesday! This week is really flying by for me and I am pretty relieved.  

Yesterday something exciting happened in our apartment: we FINALLY got cable! Justin and I decided last year that for the price, we would rather just use Hulu Plus and Netflix instead of paying $40+ a month more to have cable.  However, over the weekend Comcast called us and offered a promotion for $10 more a month, we could get basic cable and a faster Internet speed.  We could not sign up fast enough.  I know it seems like I'm getting way too excited for basic cable, but I now have 30 more channels than we did before. I can not wait to go home and enjoy our cable. 

Who remembers these cartoons?

I do! I used to love watching these on VHS when I was little and as you can imagine, I was super excited when they showed up on our Netflix queue.  Justin had never seen them so we threw them on to watch while laying in bed.  Justin fell asleep almost instantly and I am not sure if I should be offended or just chalk it up to being exhausted.  We'll say exhausted.  Maybe we can try again tonight and he'll make it through a few more.

Another of my favorite Holiday movies is Elf.  I am always laughing when I watch this movie and cannot wait to watch it with Justin this weekend.

I mentioned in yesterday's post that Janna and I are signing up for a few running races and plan on running a half marathon next June.  Well on top of the training for the running, we have decided to also try Tina's Best Body Boot Camp alongside our running.  PBFingers often talks about this Bootcamp on her blog and raves about how much she enjoys participating, so we figured for $25.00 it would be worth looking into! The first week starts January 7th, so once that begins, I will make sure to share my review with everyone.

  In the mean time, I am looking for a few good in home workouts to do on those days where I just cannot make it to the gym, any suggestions?

Questions of the Day:
What is your favorite Christmas movie?
What is your favorite in-home workout (can be a DVD)?

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