The Salvation Army Gift Giving

Hello Everyone! I hope your Tuesday is going well.  Mine has been exciting and it is only half over! 

Today is my co-workers birthday so she brought us in some of the most delicious homemade cannoli.  Yummmmmmy! 

I have only been at my current job for four months and I really do love working here.  The people I work with are such giving, loving and wonderful people.  Every year they sponsor four or five families through The Salvation Army and I had the honor of helping them wrap the gifts between yesterday and today.  It was so touching to see so many people willingly give of their time and money so that these families could also have a Christmas.

The team just finished delivering the presents today and it sounds like the families are pretty excited about the gifts and cannot wait to open them.  I just wish that we could support more than five families, but we can only do so much, right? 

Can you believe that Christmas is one week from today? Where in the world did this year go? It's amazing to think that this time last year, I was just getting settled into the routine of being a married woman and now we've been married for over a year.  So strange!

On an exciting note, it looks like Janna and I will be signing up for a few races this year with the goal of running a half marathon in June! I randomly received an e-mail from High Five Races regarding their upcoming races in 2013 and the races look like they could be a ton of fun! In February, we will be participating in the Frosty Oaks Snow Shoe 5k Race.  I've never participated in a snow shoe race, so it should be interesting.  If we're lucky, we will just run in our normal shoes

The other race we are signing up for is the April Fool's 10k Run.  I did this one last year and really enjoyed it, but I only did the 5k.  Our goal is to do a 5k in February and a 10k in April with hopes that it will help us be a bit more prepared for the half marathon in June.  We have our eyes on a specific half marathon race, but until we know more details, I am going to hold off on sharing information about the race.  Now we just need to make a training plan for the next two races! Neither one of us are big runners, so this will prove to be fun.

Question of the Day:
What training method have you used for 5k, 10k or 1/2 marathon training?

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