Weekend Recap

Hello Everyone! I hope your Monday has been going as pleasantly as mine.  This weekend was filled with unpacking, cleaning and decorating.  Out of those three, the last was my favorite.

Friday I worked from home and was able to tackle a large amount of things on my to do list.  I started the day with an extra hour of sleep (which I otherwise would have spent driving into work).  After I worked on a few different work-related items, I started working on one of Justin's Christmas gifts that I have been ignoring until now.  I have not finished the project yet, but here is a hint.  Once I get them done, I will make sure to post a tutorial.

After working on those, I left them to dry while I ran some errands and worked on cleaning the old apartment out.  We still had a few boxes that needed to be removed and we needed to clean the old place.  So I spent a few hours cleaning the place and getting it spic and span for the landlord so we can get our security deposit back.

After spending what felt like forever cleaning the old apartment, I was able to run out and finish getting the rest of Justin's Christmas gifts and get some supplies for a gift exchange project.  I would have to say it turned out pretty cute, what do you think?

This is what I spent the majority of Friday evening and Saturday morning working on.  The bag also has some handles on it, but I tucked them inside the bag for the picture so it would stand a bit better.  I am hoping to make another one pretty soon and once I do that, I will make sure to post a tutorial on how to make it.

As I mentioned above, I spent a ton of my time on Saturday working on sewing the bag.  I am pretty excited about the bag and cannot wait to use it in the gift exchange next weekend!

Saturday evening Justin and I went to his parents house to visit with his grandparents because they are in town for Christmas and had just arrived from Georgia.  We spent a few hours eating dinner and spending time with our niece and nephew.  I managed to grab a picture of my niece because she is just the cutest thing? I just want to cuddle with her forever. 

After spending time with my in-laws, we ran out to a few different stores because I was not able to finish my errands the day before.  After arriving home what felt like super late (10:30pm) we unloaded the backs and went to bed. 

Sunday was a pretty awesome day.  I woke up to Justin bringing me breakfast in bed.  We had scrambled eggs, vanilla yogurt with strawberries and granola and a banana.  It was super delicious.  Once we had woken up enough to get the day going, we decided it was time to decorate our tree.  As you probably remember, we got our tree a few weeks back.  Sunday was the first day we really had to get everything put together and I think it turned out nicely.  Again, the pictures are on my camera, so I will have to share pictures of the tree later.  

The rest of the day consisted of White Bean Turkey Chili, Apple Cider Caramel Cookies, and good company.  A few of my girlfriends came over to hang out and we spent the afternoon talking and painting our nails.  It was nice to be at home and not feel like I was rushing off to go do something.  I hope this week will not be as chaotic as last week and I can actively post like normal! 

Remember: Only 8 days until Christmas!

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