Where Did the Week Go?

Hello Everyone! I hope your week has been wonderful.  I am so sorry that I have been remiss in my posting for the last few weeks.  

As you can imagine, I have been running around like a Chicken with it's head cut off.  Last week we had plans every.single.evening and it definitely started to wear on me.  Tuesday, we had to take Frye into the vet because he has been experiencing quite a bit of discharge from his eyes (gross).  Dr. Cunningham said that he had severe conjunctivitis in both of his eyes and would need to have eye drops four times a day for week.  I can proudly say that his eyes look MUCH better now and he is just as curious as ever.

Wednesday was a bit chaotic with the Christmas Secret Santa gift exchange at lunch, then the work Christmas Party in the evening.  Our team did a Secret Santa gift exchange and planned a lunch date to go to  Bangcock Crossing.  I LOVE their food.  Justin was the one who originally introduced them to me a little while back and any opportunity we get to go there, I am always excited.  

I ordered the Chicken Pineapple fried rice! Yum yum! My Secret Santa got me two different OPI nail polishes and some lip gloss.  They are two colors I would have never picked out myself, but I absolutely love them and cannot wait to wear them this holiday season.  My work Christmas party was Wednesday evening, but I managed to forget my camera at home and do not have any pictures other than this one:

And the last exciting day of the week was Thursday! We had a Holiday potluck at work and I guess every year they do a little comedy show and it was rather funny.  It was so great to spend time with my co-workers and enjoy a bunch of delicious homemade food.

Thursday ended with a Silpada Jewelry and Vault Jeans party with Danielle at her bosses house.  It was great to try on the beautiful jewelry and jeans.  AND I got to meet her co-workers and finally be able to put faces with names.

Vault Denim

Silpada Jewelry
I am thinking about hosting a Vault Denim/Silpada party with Danielle next month, but it will have to depend on timing and money.  We shall see!

Question of the Day:
What is your favorite "party" brand? 
I have always loved Mary Kay and Stella and Dot

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