Relaxing Saturday & Sunday

This weekend shaped up to be rather relaxing for Justin and I.  Considering we normally are busy almost every day of the week, it was nice to take it slow and enjoy some peace and quiet.

Saturday morning I got myself up around 9:00 to head to the gym for Zumba.  Out of all of the workouts that I do, Zumba is by far my favorite workout.  However, this week I was not feeling the class.  There is nothing more frustrating than not having enough room to move while you're working out.  I even went so far as to politely ask the ladies in front of me to move forward, but they did not seem to care.  So half way through the class, I left.  

Because of how busy we've been the past few weeks and me feeling under the weather, I've "missed" quite a few workouts, so I took advantage of leaving Zumba early and made up one round of Tina's Best Body Boot Camp and half of one of the runs that I missed.  

The Boot Camp workout focused mainly on arms and definitely was a killer.  I was shocked at how much stronger my arms are than when I started six weeks ago.  I am sad to say that we are on the fourth and final round of Boot Camp.  Luckily, there will be more and Janna and I can continue working hard!

Saturday evening, Justin and I headed out to dinner with my cousin, Liz, and her boyfriend, Richie.  We haven't seen them since Christmas, so it was very nice to catch up and get some time with them.  They're so goofy!

Justin was being camera shy that day and would only let me get one of the side of his face.  Grumpy pants.

Sunday we had planned on going out shopping in the morning, but we got lazy and decided to relax at home.  We started catching up on The Game of Thrones because we have not finished the first season yet.  

I spent the entire day working on a baby blanket for my friend's baby shower next weekend! I finished the first one, but still need to work on the second.

Question of the Day:
What is your favorite T.V. show?
Do you watch them live or after the fact?

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