Blog Topic Idea Series: Part I

Happy Tuesday Readers! Did you have a great start to your day? I sure hope so!

I've been trying to come up with some great ideas for topics that I can cover on a weekly, bi-weekly and monthly basis and I was amazed to find a wide variety of ideas that people have suggested on their blogs as great topics to cover.  So I thought, why not? I'll share some of the ones that inspired me most and look forward to including on my blog!

{This Moment}: This idea is inspired from Little Miss Momma.  The idea is to take one picture from your week and just share it.  No description. No words.  Just a moment that you will relish for the rest of your life.

Hello Monday: Again this idea is inspired from Little Miss Momma.  The idea is to do a blog post in pictures and describe them with "Hello...".  Could be a fun way to have a text minimal post and share your day with your readers.

My Life {Bucket} Life: Also inspired from Little Miss Momma.  I look forward to doing this post because it will be a great opportunity for me to share about myself in a fun way.  Plus, it will give you all some inspiration for things you want to do with your life 

15 Minutes Friday: Inspired from Organizing Made Fun.  The idea is to take 15 minutes out of your day and to organize a small space.  That way after so many days, you are feeling much happier and much more organized! The catch? You have to post before and after pictures.

Things I'm Loving Friday / Friday Favorites: Inspired by PB Fingers & Little Baby Garvin.  The idea is to share your favorite things that week (or month).  I look forward to doing this series because I have a ton of favorite things that I would love to share with you all! 

So are you feeling inspired yet? I know I am and cannot wait to get to doing these ideas here on the blog!  The idea is, once I get things going, I will host a linky party where everyone can share their posts as a way to connect.

Thanks for checking in today and hopefully we can get things rolling in the next few weeks!

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