Christmas in the Vore Household

Christmas this year was extra fun for Justin and I because we were able to spoil each other a tiny bit more than normal.  On Christmas morning Justin made Monkey Bread while I slept in for breakfast.  I love Monkey Bread because it is pretty simple and super delicious! Plus, there is nothing better than waking up to the delicious smells of a home cooked breakfast.

After we finished our breakfast, Justin and I took time to exchange our gifts with each other.  I am so very excited because he gave me a ton of things to help with my baking! I love baking and the tools he gave me will make it so much easier!

After exchanging gifts, we hung out around the apartment talking and enjoying each other's company until we needed to leave to head out to see his parents.  Every year we try to see both sets of parents for every holiday because they live so close together.  So this year we stopped by his parents house to give them each one of their gifts and to wish them a Merry Christmas.

After that we made our way out to my parents house to go see a movie with them.

Have you heard of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty? This movie is seriously one of the most creative movies I have seen in a long time.  I know it is a remake of an old movie, so I plan on trying to get a copy of the original to see if it is better than this one.  If you are looking for a good movie to go see, this would be my first pick.

While our Christmas was not too exciting, it was exactly how we wanted!

Merry {Belated} Christmas Everyone! 

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