Month at a Glance

Happy Monday Everyone! I trust that you are having a wonderful Monday morning! Michigan has been having a nasty snow storm since yesterday which has resulted in about nine inches of snow covering the ground since Saturday night.

Luckily for Justin and I, we were given permission to work from home today which saved is the hassle and risk of driving in terrible work conditions.  The only bad thing is that now that we have the snow, it will be getting extremely cold in the next few days which can sometimes be worse than the snow.  

Can you see Justin's car under there? I think it is easily going to take us an hour to get his car all cleaned off.  I am hoping to get out there in the next hour or so!

Month at a Glance

January is usually a pretty busy month for us due to it being right after the holidays, plus Justin's birthday, and this January is no different from any other!
  • Justin's Birthday
  • Celebrating Justin's birthday with my family and his family
  • Girl's Night Out at my mom's church
  • Going to the Upper Peninsula for snowmobiling
  • Cousin's dinner at my cousin's house
  • Double date night with Dwayne and Wendy
  • Nestie Post Holiday Extravaganza!
  • Get together with my girls 
On top of all of that excitement we will also have other fun activities for just the two of us! I am very excited to see what this month brings!

Over the next few days I am planning on catching up on some posts from the Holidays and sharing some of the exciting things coming up on the blog!

Happy Monday Everyone! 

Question of the Day:
What are your favorite things to do when you cannot leave the house for the day?


  1. Stay in my pajamas!...Aunt Chris

    1. Haha thanks Aunt Chris! That's exactly what we did :)


Glad you stopped by! Please share your thoughts with me and I will do my best to respond ASAP!a