10 Day You Challenge

I came across this image on the PBFingers Blog and thought it would be a great way for me to do a mini blog series with you all.

I had planned on sharing this on the next Blog Topic Series post, but I think I will just come up with some other good ideas.  Obviously, I am not going to do this challenge every day because I have other posts that I need to do, but I figured I would do these as I had time to share with you.

Like PBFingers, I am going to skip over the ten secrets portion strictly because I do not have ten secrets to share.  I am rather open on this blog and in real life, so it seems fitting that I do not have ten secrets to share with you all.

Day Two: Nine Loves

1. Justin

We are coming up on 10 years of being together and it has been a wonderful 10 years! It is amazing to have my best friend be my spouse and to know that he completely understands me honestly more than I understand myself sometime

2. Family

I love my family and feel incredibly blessed to have them (plus the extended family in my life).  

3. Justin's Family

From day one, my in-laws have accepted me as one of the family and I feel so incredibly blessed to have them in my life.  Plus, I get to spend time with two of the cutest kids on this earth!

4. Girlfriends

It is not every day that someone can have so many great friends! I feel so loved and so blessed to have these lovely ladies in my life and would not trade them for the world. 

5. My Furbabies 

I feel like a broken record when it comes to these two, but they are my babies through-and-through.  They are fun and silly and often bring a smile or laugh to my face and I would not feel 100% complete without them in my life.

6. Arts & Crafts

So often I find myself doing some sort of craft on my down time.  It could be sewing, painting, knitting or scrap booking, but you will almost always find me working on some sort of craft.  When I craft, that is when I find myself the most at peace.

6. Travel

"To move, to breath, to fly, to float; to gain all while you live; to roam the roads of lands remove, to travel is to live." -Hans Christian Anderson.  I firmly believe that travelling the world opens up the soul to more than anyone could imaging and travelling should never be taken for granted.

8. Baking
If you know me, then you know I love to cook and bake.  Like arts and crafts, baking allows me to be creative and try new things and it is a creative outlet.  Plus, unlike crafting, other people definitely get a tasty treat as a result of my baking.  

9. Fitness
It was not until the last few years that fitness really became important to me.  Growing up I never really had to try to be skinny, it kind of just happened.  Now as an adult, my weight is something that I struggle with and working out has been the only thing that helps me deal with stress and helps me stay somewhat fit (I know, I know, I am no fitness machine).

Question of the Day:
What are some things that you love?

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