#jackabeedaily2014 Week 22

Happy Thursday Everyone! I hope your week is going well and you are looking forward to an exciting weekend ahead! 

Today's post will be filled with pictures from Week 22 of my #jackabeedaily2014 adventure! This past week sure started out fun with my cousin's bridal shower and bachelorette party! I am also excited because I am hosting a thirty-one bags party tonight! If you are interested in placing an order online, feel free to email me at and I will gladly send a link your way! 

Day 150: Rocking my #smash48 sunglasses as I run errands to get ready for the bridal shower tomorrow! 

Day 151: Celebrated my cousin Courtney and her upcoming nuptials in August at her bridal shower and bachelorette party! 

Day 152: Celebrated my dear friend, Linnae's, marriage to her hubby! They got married in California last weekend, and we could not make it.  I am so glad they had a reception here in Michigan for us to celebrate them! 

 Day 153: I was feeling very discouraged on Monday so I was very excited when this printable arrived from Somewhat Simple in my email.  The exact encouragement I needed and it is now hanging on my desk to remind me daily that I can do anything I believe I can. 

Day 154: Feeling accomplished today because I am able to go the furthest I ever have for a sit and reach.  5 years ago, I would not even touch my toes.

Day 155: I accidentally did a throwback Thursday on Wednesday... oops.  I took this picture on Christmas Eve of Justin.  I love the contrast of the snow/light.

Day 156: Danielle showed me these hilarious cat selfies and I have been laughing so hard.  Check out this link to see more funny pictures of cats.

What exciting things have happened for you in the past week! I'd love to hear from you all! 

You can keep up with me every day in 2014 on Instagram @runwithjackabee or find me here too...

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