April: Month @ a Glance

Happy April Friends!

Hello There! How have you been? Sorry I have been MIA the last week and a half! Work was super crazy last week and then I got sick for the past four days.  Not exactly how I wanted the week to start off that is for sure!. 

April is always a great month for us because it means the weather starts getting nicer and we can start going outside more.  Plus, Justin's sister has a birthday this month AND the Tiger's have their Opening Day in April as well.

In Chronological Order:
  • Easter celebration with Justin's Family
  • Easter Sunday with my family
  • Celebrate Janelle's Birthday/ Opening Day for the Tigers
  • Game Night at Our House
  • Ladies Night with Justin's Mom and Sister
  • Lazy Sunday with my girl friends
  • My cousin, Amy's, Wedding

Other Happenings in April:

I guess reading books is really not my forte right now as I was only able to finish one book in March.  Life seems to be getting away from me and I am beginning to get a bit overwhelmed with everything.  My main focus this month will be to get myself a bit more organized with things - both at home and at work to help keep myself on track.

I also have a goal to finish the book I'm reading now and work on reading three other books 1You Knew Me When by Emily Liebert and 2. The Tumble Inn by William Loizeaux & 3. The Kill Order by James Dashner.  I'm excited to read the Kill Order because I have already read the other three books in the series and The Kill Order is the Prequel to the series.  

I am also going to continue working on my Health & Wellness Page and should have that up and running starting May 1st.  I know a month seems like a long time, but with being sick right now I cannot exactly start a new fitness routine today.  Plus, I want the page to be comprehensive and include everything.

Like in previous  months, I am continuing the #PhotoaDayRWJ challenge.  If you would like to participate, check out my Instagram for an opportunity to participate.  I love seeing everyone's interpretations of the photo of the day!

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned for April?

I'd love to hear from you!

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