26 @ 26

Happy Hump Day Friends! I hope you are having a wonderful week so far and have many exciting things coming up this week.  I will be heading to Smash48 with Sarah this weekend and I am super excited.  I'm just hoping the weather turns out to be a bit nicer than it has been around here lately.  Fingers crossed!

So some of you know this and some of you do not, but yesterday I turned a grand 26 years old.  

26 is one of those birthdays that are often forgotten or under celebrated because they do not signify anything of grand importance - like turning a quarter century years old, or reaching "adulthood" when you turn 30.  

Every year around my birthday I get a little antsy and feel a strong need to make changes in my life.  Last year it was the need to find a new calling, get a new job or open up an Etsy shop.  Unfortunately, none of those things happened.  However, I am glad that I hung around at my current job because things are getting exciting and I am learning awesome new things every day.

Since 26 years old is not anything too exciting, I have decided to make it exciting by make a list of 26 things that I would like to accomplish in the next year of my life.  

I am hoping to get the entire list completed by the end of the week but it may take a little bit more time than that.  I want to make sure that they are not frivolous but actually have meaning to my life (though some of them will be fun and not too serious).

So that leads me to asking you all for help! What types of things would you do to celebrate another year of your life?  Comment here or on Facebook to give feedback and inspiration.

If anyone else would like to participate in this with me let me know!

Question of the Day: What should I do to honor my 26th year of life?

I'd love to hear from you!


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