Show and Tell Tuesdays: Momfessionals

Today I am teaming up with Andrea for another fun round of Show and Tell Tuesdays.  So, Andrea coined the term "momfessional" which means little confessions we make about things we do as moms.  Because I am not a mom, I decided to change it up a bit and make it "wifefessionals" for today.  There is no set number of confessions we have been asked to share, so I will go with four.

Confession #1: Justin HATES when I take pictures of him, so I take them of him when he is not looking at me.  I probably have hundreds of pictures of him walking in front of me or taken from his side.  It is very rare that I get pictures of him looking at the camera.  He has such a handsome smile, I wish he would smile at the camera more.

Confession #2: I love seeing pictures of Justin when he was younger because he is just so nerdy looking and adorable.  He is always embarrassed when he sees pictures of himself in his "awkward" phase, but I love those pictures.  I married a nerd and I am very proud of that.  

Confession #3: Anytime Justin falls asleep around me, I take pictures of him.  In the picture above he was being particularly dramatic about it and I had to share a snapchat with my friends.  I am constantly sneaking pictures of him sleeping because he just looks so peaceful and I love knowing that he is comfortable enough to just be completely relaxed around me.

Confession #4: I am super jealous of Justin and his relationship with the cats.  Both of the cats snuggle with him and sleep next to him and they avoid me.  When we adopted the cats I was excited to finally have a ball of fluff to cuddle with and neither one will cuddle with me.  When I realized that Frye was taking more of a liking to Justin, we started looking for a kitty to be my kitty and we ended up with Leilah... turns out she's a big fan of Justin too.  The cats love me, just not as much as they love Justin and I guess I will have to be okay with that. 

Hope you enjoyed a few of my wife-fessionals!  Now, I'm off to read everyone else's!  

Next time on Show & Tell Tuesdays, we're sharing what we wanted to be when we grew up!  

Question of the Day: What are you confessions as a mother or wife?

I'd love to hear from you!



  1. The awkward stage photos are always so fun to look at! long as they are of someone else. No one needs to see my fluffy hair and butterfly clips from 6th grade :)

    1. Right? I went through this awkward phase of growing out my bangs and it was NOT pretty.

  2. I love his awkward pictures!!! So funny!!! Thanks so much for linking up!

    1. Isn't he so adorable?! I love how geeky he looks

  3. That's funny. I've been asking my boyfriend (we've been dating a little over 6 months now) to see childhood pics of his, but he says his mom/dad has them and he doesn't know where they are :(.

    And it's funny that you take pics of him when sleeping! That pic with the cat is cute.


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