Hello and happy Wednesday! Today around 3:00 PM, I will have officially spent 32 years rotating around this planet of ours. It's kind of crazy to think that I am THIRTY-TWO. Sometimes I look back and wonder where the first two years of this decade of my life went, then I remember that COVID was a thing for at least a year or so of those 2 years and I'm like, OHHHH yeah. 😅
The last year has definitely been a time of much reflection, patience and growth so I thought it would be fun to share 32 things I learned since turning 30. Some of them will be super personal, others a little bit funny, but overall it will hopefully bring you a smile or inspire you a little bit.
Thirty-two things I have learned since turning 30.
1. Being in my 30's has been so much more enjoyable than being in my 20's.
Everything felt so complicated in my 20's. My 30's have brought more clarity and peace as I have grown more secure in myself.
2. Everyone else's opinions of you are NONE of your business.
For real. They really are not your business.
3. Pay off your stupid credit card debt/non-traditional debt.
It's easy to justify that "everyone has debt", but you will feel so much more free when it's not hanging around your neck.
4. A lack of planning on someone else's part does not constitute an emergency for you.
5. Stop overthinking things
You're just wasting you own time and worrying over something that likely won't matter tomorrow.
6. There are people in your life that you love, but will need to do so from a distance.
7. No, or no thank you, is a response that does not need an explanation.
And if someone expects an explanation, they likely don't respect your boundaries.
8. TikTok is both a source of enjoyment and a complete waste of time.
And sometimes 100% necessary for my mental health.
9. The size of your body does not define you, your heart and your soul do.
10. It's okay to admit you are not okay.
If 2020 taught me anything, being not okay is 100% acceptable.
12. Exercise should not be used only for weight loss/management, it should also be used for mental health gain.
13. Clear is kind, unclear is unkind.
Guys, my hairstylist taught me this {because she is very wise} and it is something that I have been trying to live by ever since. It is unacceptable to assume that someone knows what you're thinking, what you need, what you want or anything else. Be clear in your thoughts and expectations and things will be less stressful in your relationships with others.
14. Acne happens at any age, for any reason.
I mean, what the heck right?
15. You are solely responsible for your own feelings and no one else's.
Much like it is none of your business what someone else thinks of you, it is also not your job to cater to someone else's feelings at the sacrifice of your own. There is a time and a place where you have to draw that line in the sand.
16. True friends will call you on your crap, lift you up when you're low and celebrate your wins.
Keep these people around, they will be your biggest champions.
17. Alternately, a friend that tries to bring you down because they are threatened by your success is not a true friend.
18. Prioritize the people, things and passions the fill up your cup.
All other things can wait.
19. Counseling is very important resource that is way underutilized.
20. Take the dang vacation
Because you could be stuck at home for a year.
21. Gossip can be enjoyable, but can also be very negative and damaging.
Be aware of how often you are gossiping and with whom - it's likely they are doing the same about you to someone else.
22. You are your worse critic
Don't listen to the voice in your head. They often are very wrong. P.S. Giving that voice a name and telling them to hush can be very freeing.
23. Critical times show who truly cares and who cannot handle your mess.
24. Good {and enough} sleep is your greatest asset.
The adage, "I'll sleep when I die" is just not healthy and should never come out your mouth.
25. Your timeline does not need to align with everyone else's timeline for you.
26. Doing things for others without expectation of return is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself
27. 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage
I wish I did not have to bring this up, but since I talked openly about our miscarriage in a previous post, I thought it might be important to note. I was completely and utterly blindsided by the fact that 1 in 4 pregnancies fail. Why is this not something that is taught to women before they are experiencing a miscarriage for the first time?
28. Find your passion and really pour into it.
If you can make a career out of it great! If not, make time for it.
29. Stop and smell the roses. Take time to admire the clouds.This one seems straightforward, but don't get so caught up in your life that you are not stopping to pay attention to the small moments. They can have the biggest impact.
30. A grateful attitude will change your outlook completely.
31. It's okay to laugh at yourself
Because let's be honest, we all do stupid things and life is not that serious.
32. Take time to date your partner
Relationships don't just happen, they take work. The work may not always be fun, but it will 100% be worth it.
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