Lately I've Been...

Happy Tuesday Friends! I don't have too many exciting things going on, so I thought I would participate in another fun survey from Presley and Courtney!

I'd love to hear from you all on what you've been doing lately, so make sure to share some things in the comment section or on my Facebook Page!


Making: Paintings! I made a painting a few months ago for fun and posted a picture on Facebook to show off my artwork and ever since then I have had a steady stream of people asking if they can purchase a painting from me.  Currently I am working on a navy and gold painting for a friend to give as a bridal shower gift.  I cannot wait to see how it turns out

Cooking: To be honest, not a whole lot.  We have been busy every.single.night the last few weeks so we have been grabbing food to go.  I'm hoping to get to the grocery store this weekend and get some meals ready for the next two weeks.

Drinking: Lots and LOTS of water... and Coca Cola.  I have been basically alternating between water and Coke.  I wish I could say that I have been strictly drinking water, but I have been needing caffeine lately and Coke is my go to when I need caffeine.

Reading: I am actually "reading" five books at the moment, but these are the two books that I have with me at all times.  I'm reading Since You've Been Gone alongside with Danielle and so far I am really enjoying it.  All the Rage was a book that I grabbed one of my squares for the May reading challenge.  In the month of May, I have a goal to read eight books.  I think I will be pretty close to getting all eight with having no plans this upcoming weekend.  If you'd like to see what I've been reading, come check me out on Goodreads

Wanting: I am constantly finding cute and fun things that I am interested in, but right now I have my eye on this ring from Tiffany.  I have always love the infinity symbol and would love a new ring for my right hand

Looking: Looking for a good pair of capris that are flattering for my figure.  I have a hard time finding clothes that fit my shape because I am short and curvy.  Often times, capris end up looking more like cuffed pants.  Not always the most attractive.

Playing: Give it up! I have been so addicted to this game lately and both Justin and I have been competing with each other to see who can get to the highest level.  This game is good for developing rhythm and the little characters in the game are pretty cool.  If you're interested in getting the game, it's $.99 on iTunes

Wasting: SO much time! I hate to admit it, by my time management skills have been lacking, severely.  I know it is a problem so I am working on it, but sometimes I just find myself being so lazy.  But of course I am mad at myself later when I look at how much time I wasted that day.

Wishing: Wishing I was a bit more motivated to get healthy.  I am proud of how far I have come, but I wish that I could be a bit further along than I am right now.  I know everything takes time, but sometimes my impatience gets the best of me.

Enjoying: All of the reading I have been doing.  Joining a few book clubs on Goodreads has me reading more books in one month than I had in the entire year.  I'm glad to be reading more and have been very much enjoying reading toward my 2015 Goal of 30 Books

Waiting: I am waiting to see if I will have the opportunity to go to Uruguay at the end of this year with two of my bestest friends.  The opportunity has not quite present itself 100%, but if it does I will make sure to let you all know as soon as I do!

Liking: The weather here in Michigan is always all over the place, but I have been really enjoying all of the crazy clouds we have been having.  I sometimes wish I could put my hand in the sky and just touch the clouds.  If only I could have a cloud in a jar.

Wondering: If a few people in my life actually want to be in my life.  I wish I could flat out ask them but there is always that fear that they will tell me they do not want to be in my life anymore.  

Loving: My kitties.  They are the sweetest things and bring me so much happiness.  Plus, Frye's birthday was yesterday so a Happy Birthday to our kitty! He turned three yesterday.  It is hard to believe we have had him for over two years already! 

Hoping: My 26 things @ 26 works out.  I am still working on my list and I hope to have it for next month.  I've already started making plans for how this will all come together so I look forward to sharing this with you all when it is done.

Needing: There is not too much I am needing right now.  I have been feeling very blessed lately and focusing on how blessed we are.  However, maybe some new underwear? lol

Wearing: This tank top from Sam's Club.  I bought it on a whim last week and have fallen madly in love with it.  I am hoping to go back in the next few weeks to buy some more in other colors.

Following: The Bachelorette and Pinterest Told Me To's Review of them.  If you have never read any reviews of The Bachlorette (or Bachelor) from Pinterest Told Me To, then you are in for a treat.  Her reviews almost always make me laugh out loud while giving me the right amount of information in case I missed the episode for the week.  

I really enjoyed this survey and hope you will participate too! You can either comment on this post or reach me at any of the links provided below!

Question of the Day: What is your favorite survey in which you have participated?

I'd love to hear from you!

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