What's Up Wednesday #2

Happy Wednesday Friends! Today I am linking up with Mix and Match FamilyPinterest Told Me To and The Larson Lingo for the What's Up Wednesday Post.  What's Up Wednesday occurs on the last Wednesday of every month and it is a fun list of questions getting ready for the upcoming month!

1. What We're Eating This Week:

With it warming up around here lately, I thought it would be fun to make the Sante Fe Crockpot Chicken from my recipe list.  We're going to have a slower week than normal, so I will be glad to be able to just through this into the crock post and not worry about it after that.   

2. What I'm Reminiscing About:

Girls night with my girlies last Friday.  It is not very often that I get to go out with my girlfriends and have a grand old time, so I was excited to go and had so much fun with these two lovely ladies.  I cannot wait until the next time we can get out for the night.  

3. What I'm Loving

The clouds! I have been seeing some pretty crazy clouds around here lately and I love it.  I just wish I could reach up and pluck them from the sky.  

4. What We've Been Up To

On Sunday, Justin and I went to see Pitch Perfect 2 for an impromptu date night.  I have to say I laughed just as hard at the second one as I did the first.  If you're looking for a fun movie that is guaranteed to make you laugh out loud, then I would totally recommend this movie to you.

5. What I'm Dreading
Unfortunately, I put off Spring Cleaning again and will need to spend time in June catching up from last month.  I am also dreading cleaning up our guest bedroom for when Dwayne and Wendy come in June.  Honestly, I should not call it our guest bedroom, but should call it our storage room.  It is a "mess that you apply heat to".

6. What I'm Working On
Our Summer plans! We have so many fun things coming up this summer with more things to pop up I am sure! We have at least two weddings to go to and a plethora of other fun things we will be participating in.  I cannot wait!

7. What I'm Looking Forward To

This coming weekend I have a bridal shower for one of my very good friends from college, a birthday tea for my cousin, and the Lana Del Rey concert! Sarah and I bought tickets for each other as birthday presents since our birthdays are roughly a month apart.  I am so excited.

8. What I'm Watching/Reading

Currently I am addicted to The Bachelorette.  I really did not enjoy the twist of having "two bachelorettes" at the beginning.  It seems like a lot of unnecessary drama for something that is already very dramatic.  I am excited to see Kaitlin this season and I hope she meets a great guy.

Right now I am reading The D.U.F.F. + a few other books.  I am very curious to see if the movie is anything like the book.

9. What I'm Listening To

 Lately I have listening to the Guardians of the Galaxy Soundtrack on YouTube.  I loved the movie + the soundtrack so much so it only seemed appropriate to listen to the soundtrack on YouTube. 

10. What I'm Wearing

I have been wearing a LOT of racer back tanks lately since I find they are the easiest to layer.  With the weather going from 50 degrees to 85 degrees in any given week, I feel the most prepared layering.

11. What I'm Doing This Weekend

I actually talked about this earlier in #7: Bridal Shower, Birthday Tea and Lana Del Rey Concert

12. What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month

There are a lot of fun things planned for the month of June, but I always look forward to strawberry picking for Marcy's birthday! I have a lot of recipes planned for the strawberries we pick this year so I'm getting super excited about going.

13. What Else is New
There have been a lot of exciting things happening at work so I am excited to see what happens in the next month or so.  I will be sure to share with everyone once I know a little bit more 

Previous What's Up Wednesday Posts:

What's Up Wednesday #1

I'd love to hear from you!


  1. I can't wait to see Pitch Perfect 2!!!!
    Thanks for linking up with us! :)

  2. Mad Hatter is a fun time - small bistro but the food is good.


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