Hello Friends and Happy Wednesday! I'm excited to share with you today a little bit about my second year at Smash 48!

If you can remember, I went to Smash 48 last year with Danielle & Sarah and it was such a blast! So of course I was psyched when Sarah told me she had planned on going again. On Friday night, we arrived around 6:00 p.m. and hit the ground running with dinner and our first session of the night.
This year, Sarah and I were put in the Lothlorien Cabin group and our cabin was called Celeborn. If you're anything of an avid book reader, then you would know that Lothlorien is from The Lord of the Rings books and is the land where the Elves live. Random fact of the day for you right there.
On Friday night, we had our first group session and the theme was "Am I really lovely". This session challenged women to recognize their beauty on both the inside and outside. I was amazed when they told us that there were 900 women there for the retreat. 900! Such a large group of women together all at once. Talk about estrogen in the room.
After session, we had a quick small group meeting to get to know our cabin mates then we went to a pajama party and ice cream social. It was so fun seeing everyone in their pajamas. Some of the ladies even had curlers in their hair which I thought was super adorable.

Saturday morning Sarah and I got up on the earlier side and made our way to Zumba. Sarah's mom is a Zumba instructor and I love taking her classes so I was psyched to get a chance to go to one of her classes. After Zumba we made our way to session two of the weekend and this session was called "Shamefaced". This particular session was about dealing with shame and how shame can complete change a person without the grace of the Lord.
After session, we grabbed a quick lunch and went back to the cabin to relax for a bit. It was nice to take a half hour or so to relax between activities. That afternoon, we headed to our second session of Zumba for the day (another fun class with her mom), before going to a smaller group session called a mini session. I loved this session because it talked about being strong in times of trial.
After the mini session, we made our way to grab dinner really fast before heading to ride the horses. I have not been on a horse in a very long time so I was nervous/excited when we arrived at the stables. My horse's name is Tripp and he is a sweet thing. For the horse back riding, we were on a trail and rode the horses through the woods. I really did not have to guide Tripp too much other than to get him to not eat some of the delicious grass that was everywhere.
After spending some time with the horses, we went to our last session of the day and then headed to small group. This time we sat outside for our session to just talk about the weekend and all of the wonderful things we have done. Saturday ended up being a very beautiful day, so it was fun to watch the sun paint the sky with beautiful colors while it set.
Sunday morning we were up early again making our way to breakfast and the last session. I really did not grab too many pictures on Sunday as things moved super quickly.
Sarah and I made our way home around noon, then I hurried to get myself decent to go and bury my Grandma's ashes. It was a bittersweet ending to a great weekend. I love you Grandma!
Overall, this weekend was exactly what I needed: time with the best friend, weekend away and not having to worry about anything.
Question of the Day: What fun trips have you done with your friends?
I'd love to hear from you!
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