Weekend Highs & Lows #4

IHello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post

Happy Labor Day everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day off and have been able to relax a bit today.  Today I am spending the day at my in-laws house while Justin and his dad go golfing.  It has been hot around here the last few days so I am hoping that they do not get too hot while on the course.


Justin and I decided to take Friday off and spend the day together.  He has been wanting this gaming chair for a while and they have a warehouse here in the mitten.  So on Friday we went to the warehouse to sit in the chairs and check everything out. 

After visiting the gaming chair store, we made our way to Ikea.  There is only one Ikea here in Michigan, so I am always a happy camper when we are in the area and get a chance to go visit the store.  Because we were going in the middle of the day, I did not think it would be super busy... I was wrong.  There were people everywhere.  I'm getting everyone was getting ready to go back to school.

At Ikea we ended up buying new rugs for the bathroom, a new rug for our laundry room and a new curtains for our bedroom.  For the past year or so we have had a sheet pinned to the window as our "curtain" so when we put up the curtains I was super excited.

I know this is a bit lame, but I felt so grown up when we put those curtains up.


On Saturday I got myself up and out the door to get my long "run" in for the week.  To be honest, I was hoping to get an actual run in, but my broken toe was just not having it.  I am getting a bit agitated with how slowly this healing process is going.  I know I need to let it heal, but I would really like to be actually running before it gets too cold here in Michigan for me to run outside.

Well that was my weekend! What did yours look like? Link up to the party below! 

Previous Weekend Highs & Lows

I'd love to hear from you!


  1. I am spending this weekend doing work around the house and catching up on the blog. Tomorrow is back to work for me! We also have one more night to enjoy Arts, Beats & Eats.

    1. I forgot that Arts, Beats & Eats is this weekend! I should have planned to go to that today! Such a great idea :)

  2. I've definitely done Ikea in early Sept before and it was definitely a mistake, lol. SO CROWDED. And all I wanted was some caf food and some bowls :(.

    1. Right? It was so crazy! At one point, my butt was touched by 2 little kids... 3 times. What a mess! haha

  3. Ikea is such a blessing but such a curse as well. We found it was our only constant while furnishing our home in Italy. Although, now that our entire house is furnished, we still find things we "need" at Ikea!

    1. Italy!? That is so awesome! Such a beautiful place. As time goes on, I have been finding myself drawn more and more to Ikea and their furniture.

  4. I went to a church picnic yesterday. Today we just relaxed. I live in Canton near IKEA.

    1. I really love picnics. Such a great way to spend time with loved ones and eat great food :)

  5. Am not really feeling well the entire weekend. I stayed home for hours and kinda made myself a bit comfy with tea while watching movies and TV series.

    1. I am sorry that you did not feel well! What a stinky weekend to be under the weather. Did you watch any good TV series? I've been on the hunt for a new one lately.


Glad you stopped by! Please share your thoughts with me and I will do my best to respond ASAP!a