Christmas 2015 Craft Roundup

Happy Thursday Friends! Can you believe we are almost to December and only one week from Thanksgiving! I am looking forward to Friendsgiving this weekend! 

Today I wanted to share some fun Christmas DIY's that you can do during this Holiday season! 


Mason Jar Lights from Hoosier Homemade

Christmas Tree Topper from The Wow Style

Crafty Reindeer Games from Jenkim Made

Clay Vacation Map Photo Ornament from Where the Smiles Have Been 
{Isn't this awesome! She made it for me from the Ornament Exchange}

Peppermint Lollipops from Simply Living

DIY Glitter Dear Head from Hey Lauren Rene 


So what did you think? I'm planning to make the glitter deer painting this weekend and I may make a copy of the Clay Vacation Map ornament for my friends as an easy Christmas gift.

To see these pins and get other inspiration ideas, check out my Pinterest board!

Question of the Day: What is your favorite Christmas craft that you've done? 

I'd love to hear from you!

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