Show and Tell Tuesday: Missions Trip or Service Opportunity

Happy Tuesday Friends! I hope all is well and you are having a great day so far! Today I am teaming up with Andrea for another fun round of Show and Tell Tuesdays.  

Today's post is dedicated to Missions Work and Volunteer Opportunities with which I have participated.  

Missions Trips 

To date, the biggest missions trip I participated with was the trip to Mexico.  The summer between my Sophomore and Junior Year of high school I boarded a plane and made my way to Texas with a few of my friends from high school to do missions work.  Due to safety issues, we stayed in Texas and drove daily into Mexico to bring food and support to the locals.

This trip was very eye opening for me because I never realized how many people have so little.  But I also realized that people with so little could be happy.  I loved working with the people, especially the kids.  They were so fun and so excited that we were there.  

I wish I had some pictures from this particular trip, but they have long since been buried and put away.  

Volunteer Opportunities 

A few years ago I volunteered with my city to help with the Tree Lighting Ceremony and it was really cool. 


They had a ton of activities for the children including decorating stockings and cookies.  There was also a sleigh ride which was really neat.  I remember it being super cold that day, so everyone was bundled up and huddled together outside waiting for the tree to light up.  

They ended up cutting down the tree this year, so I am not sure what their plan is for the Tree Lighting Ceremony.  I will have to check out the website for ideas.

I also have participated in Meals on Wheels.  This was a great opportunity to meet people who otherwise were not interacting with anyone.  Most of these people are excited to have a guest and will tell you some amazing stories if you let them.  I am hoping in the future I will be able to do this again.

If you are looking for volunteer opportunities, check out this website.  They have a ton of options and can help point you in an area that would be good for you! 

Well that is all for this session of Show and Tell Tuesdays, the next installment will be me showing you my Christmas decorations! 

Question of the Day: What volunteer work have you done in the past?

I'd love to hear from you!

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