Weekend Highs & Lows #15

Hello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post


This weekend was spent relaxing and spending time with family.  On Saturday I have a chiropractic appointment in the morning, then in the evening we went to celebrate Justin's Uncle's birthday.  On Sunday I went to my cousin's house to help with baby shower preparations for a shower at the end of the month.  Overall, the weekend was fun!

The high of the weekend was the premiere of Downtown Abbey and Galavant.  If you have not watched either of these shows, I highly suggest them - Galavant absolutely cracks me up.


On the Monday before New Years, I threw out my back and have been dealing with the pain for the past week.  I have never thrown out my back and I hope that I never do that again.  Thankfully I was able to get into the chiropractor and they've been able to help get my back a little better.

Unfortunately this will really throw off my timing of my first half marathon this coming weekend. At this point, the goal is to just finish the whole thing.  Thankfully I will be surrounded by supportive people who will help me finish.

Previous Weekend Highs & Lows
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