Happy February Friends!
Can you believe we are already through the first month of 2016?! I am having a hard time comprehending the fact that it has already been a month! February is usually a quick month for us between Valentine's Day and it being a short month - I am just hoping this February is a little warmer than last year's (it was freezing this time last year).
Things Happening This Month
- Celebrate Vicki's birthday
- Birthday party for my nephew
- Cupid's Undie Run with my friends
- Valentine's Day with Justin
- Mary's Baby Shower
- Lazy Sunday with my girl friends (I am super excited for this since it has been a loooonnnggg time)
Goals for February
1. Read {at least} One Book. I am still in the process of reading Invisible by Jennifer Rothschild and I am about to start Butternut Summer by Mary McNear. Be looking for a quick review of each book at the end of the month!
2. Plan a Fun Date with Justin. With Valentine's Day coming up, I should be able to easily plan a fun date for Justin and I. I am always open to fun suggestions though - so please do share! Maybe I will take him ice skating or something.
3. Complete the Lazyman Triathlon at the YMCA. Every year my local YMCA has something called the "Lazyman Triathlon" and for years I have wanted to participate! This year Christina and I have signed up to complete the Ironman version:
2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 miles running/walking
The goal is to finish the entire thing over the month of February! I am not concerned about the running or swimming. It's the biking I am not so sure about. Wish me luck!
4. Schedule Doctor Appointments. It is that time of year where I have to start thinking about scheduling my yearly physical {bleh}. The goal is to get it scheduled on the calendar - even if it isn't in February
5. Daily Scripture Writing. The goal is to write the verses from each day. I am hoping I will do better this month than I did last month.
Recap from January
One thing I need to start doing is going through and recapping whether or not I completed my goals for the month. I mean, what is the point of having goals if I am not checking in on them?
My goals for January:
Read at least 1 book
Plan at least 1 fun date with Justin
Scripture Writing Plan
It looks like I managed to complete two out of three goals which is not too terrible!
I managed to read one book and complete most of my scripture writing for the month. I think I will count that as a win for January.
Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned in February?
I'd love to hear from you!
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