February: Month @ a Glance

Happy February Friends!

Can you believe we are already through the first month of 2016?! I am having a hard time comprehending the fact that it has already been a month! February is usually a quick month for us between Valentine's Day and it being a short month - I am just hoping this February is a little warmer than last year's (it was freezing this time last year).

Things Happening This Month
  1. Celebrate Vicki's birthday
  2. Birthday party for my nephew
  3. Cupid's Undie Run with my friends
  4. Valentine's Day with Justin
  5. Mary's Baby Shower
  6. Lazy Sunday with my girl friends (I am super excited for this since it has been a loooonnnggg time)

    Goals for February

    1. Read {at least} One Book.  I am still in the process of reading Invisible by Jennifer Rothschild and I am about to start Butternut Summer by Mary McNear.  Be looking for a quick review of each book at the end of the month!

    2. Plan a Fun Date with Justin.  With Valentine's Day coming up, I should be able to easily plan a fun date for Justin and I.  I am always open to fun suggestions though - so please do share! Maybe I will take him ice skating or something.

    3. Complete the Lazyman Triathlon at the YMCA.  Every year my local YMCA has something called the "Lazyman Triathlon" and for years I have wanted to participate! This year Christina and I have signed up to complete the Ironman version:

    2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 miles running/walking

    The goal is to finish the entire thing over the month of February! I am not concerned about the running or swimming.  It's the biking I am not so sure about.  Wish me luck!

    4. Schedule Doctor Appointments.  It is that time of year where I have to start thinking about scheduling my yearly physical {bleh}.  The goal is to get it scheduled on the calendar - even if it isn't in February

    5. Daily Scripture Writing.  The goal is to write the verses from each day.  I am hoping I will do better this month than I did last month.

    Recap from January

    One thing I need to start doing is going through and recapping whether or not I completed my goals for the month.  I mean, what is the point of having goals if I am not checking in on them? 

    My goals for January:
    Read at least 1 book
    Plan at least 1 fun date with Justin
    Scripture Writing Plan

    It looks like I managed to complete two out of three goals which is not too terrible!

    I managed to read one book and complete most of my scripture writing for the month.  I think I will count that as a win for January.

    Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned in February?

    I'd love to hear from you!

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