Weekend Highs & Lows #22

Hello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post.


This weekend was filled with fun and exciting things!

On Saturday, I went to yoga and lunch with my girlfriends and it was so nice.  I am not typically a huge fan of yoga, but this particular class was very relaxing and helped me get a fresh start to the day.  At lunch, we played around with the face swap filter on Snapchat and laughed so hard.  Thankfully, Sarah grabbed this picture of Christina and I playing with the filter - what a great picture.  I love spending time with my girlfriends.  They bring so much joy to my life and I am so blessed to have them.

On Saturday afternoon Justin and I put an offer on a house!!
I am so excited about this opportunity! We should know more tomorrow if the offer was accepted and I will be sure so share an update with you all when I know what is going on! 

On Saturday evening, Justin and I joined Nick, Kevin and Natalie (Nick's sister) to try out an Escape Room.  I had heard of them before, but had never been asked to go until now.  The premise of the event is that you are put into a room and you have to solve the clues to get out.  The tough part is you have one hour to get out of the room before your time is up! We managed to escape with just a little more than six minutes to spare.  I had so much fun and look forward to doing it again sometime soon. 


I was SO cranky yesterday.  Like, do not look at me, do not talk to me, do not even think about me kind of cranky.  Poor Justin had to deal with that alllllll day yesterday.  Thankfully today is a new day and I'm not cranky today.

Previous Weekend Highs & Lows

I am sad to report that I was not able to participate in Sip "N" Sweat with Sarah and Christina last week.  I just had way too many things I had to get done by Friday and they overtook my awesome workout date plans.  We are going to make them up sometime soon and I will share it with you all then!

I also wanted to share about this neat event I am participating in starting today - The Cardio Blast challenge from Booya Fitness! This 14-day challenge is designed to help beat the cold this winter with some fun cardio intensive workouts.  If you have not heard about Booya Fitness, they are an online community where you have access to a wide variety of workouts at your finger tips.  

The cool part is you have chances to win prizes at the end of the challenge and all you have to do is workout - and trust me, you want these prizes! 

If you decide to participate in the challenge, make sure to let me know so we can connect! If you post on Instagram or twitter, make sure to tag me @RunwithJackabee and I'll make sure to tweet back or comment.  

Question of the Day: How was your weekend?
I'd love to hear from you!

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