Weekend Highs & Lows #25

Hello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post.


This weekend was filled with fun with our friends Nick and Kevin! On Friday night I tried to go to a barre class with Christina {never happened}, so we went to the YMCA to workout, then we got froyo afterward.  I love froyo.  Yummyyyyyy.

Saturday morning was spent having brunch with my oldest and bestest friend Melissa.  I love getting together with Melissa! It is always great getting together with her and catching up on life.  We are both so busy, so it is always a treat when I get to see her.

Saturday evening we went to dinner and a movie with Nick and Kevin.  Have you seen Zootopia yet? If have not, I would highly recommend it.  Even though it is a kids movie, I laughed throughout the entire movie.  

Sunday, I went to swim one mile with Christina (2 down, 48 to go!) before heading to a lunch date with my cousin and her boyfriend.  I loved catching up with them and hearing what is going on in their lives.  We also talked a little bit about the house we are buying which is always exciting for me.

After lunch, we took Nick and Kevin up to the house to show them around.  It was so fun walking them through everything and showing them what the house will look like when it is done.  Ironically, we ran into my parents at the model home so we showed them everything we picked out. 

After the house, we went to Best Buy and got a Wii U! I have had my eye on one for a little while because we had played Super Smash Brothers on it and I love that game! We ended up getting the Wii U and a few games and played games all afternoon/evening with Nick and Kevin.  I love hanging out with them.


I did not do any chores. Again. #fail.

Previous Weekend Highs & Lows
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