Friday Favorites #6: Inspirational Quotes

Happy Friday Friends!
It's FRIDAY, and I've decided to join a new linky party! Every week I will be sharing a few of my favorite things from the past week.  The goal is to share random things, but I may end up doing some themed ones along the way.

I'm linking up today with AndreaErika and Narci for Friday Favorites!

For this series, I am going to post my favorite inspirational photos once a month! I have been needing inspiration lately and wanted to share with you all on a regular basis.  


This quote is actually one that I designed myself.  I received this quote in an e-mail from Tess at FitGirlsGuide and fell in love with it immediately.  I am a firm believer that you cannot love others fully until you fully love and appreciate yourself.  Currently I have this as the background on my computer, so every day I see it and remind myself that I need to take care of myself before I can take care of others, and honestly it really does help remind me that I need to take time for me on a regular basis.


I have been going through some rather difficult stuff over the past year where I have gotten hurt and I have been realizing that my wounds have been altering how I act and how I treat people.  The past few months I have been realizing that that only person who is in charge of me and only I can determine how I react.  So the below picture has been a great reminder for me to take a step back when I'm feeling hurt and allow myself to process things before I react.  This picture is actually on my lock screen and it too is very helpful.


This one relates more to my fitness than anything else, but this picture is so true.  In order to make any change, it is important to give yourself time.  You will not lose 40 pounds overnight, you will not become an expert at chess overnight and you cannot make drastic changes over night.  This picture is helpful to remind myself that even though I do not see progress now, there still is progress and I need to keep pushing forward.  


This one is another self-love image like the first one; however, it challenges you to make those difficult decisions to let go of things that are holding you back.  In order for us to move forward, we have to take a hard look at the things in front of us - are they helpful? Do they build us up? If the answer is no, then it is time to say goodbye. 


This is another great image that I found on Pinterest.  I love this one because it reminds me to not stay in the past, but to be 100% present and to look forward to the future.  Anytime I catch myself getting stuck in the past, I realize that I become negative and a not pleasant person.  This image is a firm reminder that what's gone is gone, I cannot get it back.  The best thing I can do for myself is to turn around and move forward.  


Well that is all for today's Friday Favorite post! If you are interested in seeing more of my inspirational pictures, feel free to check out my Pinterest.

Question of the Day: What is your favorite thing of this week? 

I'd love to hear from you!

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