Weekend Highs & Lows #40

Hello everyone!I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  If you want more information about the party, please check out this post.

Happy Monday Friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! This weekend was a bit chaotic for us, but we had a wonderful time! 



On Saturday we had our housewarming party! We had a bunch of people over that just hung out, enjoyed burgers and hung out.  It was so great to have so many people in our house just hanging out and celebrating with us this new step in our lives.

The evening went pretty late as the "kids" in the group played Cards Against Humanity until after 2:00am.  I love getting together with my friends to play card games and it was so much fun.  Let's just say there was some inside jokes formed that night that will soon not be forgotten.

Sunday we slept in a little before getting ready Justin's family to come over.  For every birthday in the family, we try to get together and celebrate with food and a cake.  So on Sunday, we had everyone at our house since his Sister and her husband couldn't make it to our housewarming party the night before.  

We ordered pasta and pizza from a local place (yummm) and enjoyed an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen.  It was a nice afternoon relaxing and enjoying his family's company.


Sunday I was completely exhausted and had a nasty headache (thanks to alcohol the night before).  I was hoping to be a little more alive when Justin's family came over. haha

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