August: Month in Review {09.05.24}

Hello and happy Thursday friends! I hope your September is off to a great start and you are looking forward to the month ahead.  This month I am continuing the Month in Review post where I talk about the previous month and what has been going on! 

What's New
I'm happy to report that nothing new is happening over here which I'm thankful to share.  The last few years have brought with it a lot of chaos so it is nice to just be status quo for the time being. 

Monthly Goals Update
1. Drink 80+oz of water a day.  It's like I hate water or something... August I did terribly with my water intake. You would think I would be able to 

2. Take my vitamins daily.  I did better on my vitamins than water intake in August so I'm happy with that.  I am anticipating doing much better in September. 

3. 100 Miles, 100 days.  I did not come anywhere near my goal of 100 miles in 100 days, so in a few weeks I will be starting over and finishing off the remainder of 2024 with 100 miles for the last 100 days. 

4. Finish three books. August I finished a total of six books.  If you want to know more about the books I read, just click the image below.

Top Performing Posts for August
It cracks me up how so many of the popular posts are posts from 2023 or even earlier.  Last month was no different, but we did see a bit of a change where the posts did switch up. 

1. Tuesday Things - August 13 
2. July Month in Review
3. August Month @ a Glance (this is a very old post)

What I Watched
I have been watching Welcome to Plathville since I was behind and continued working through a few other shows.  All of my baking shows are coming out soon so I will definitely be watching those as they release. 

What I Read
I read a total of six books in August and really enjoyed some of them and kind of enjoyed others.  If you want more details, check out my August Book in Review post August Book in Review post.

Last Month's Spotify Playlist
Last month I listened to mostly Summer Playlists which is filled with the most popular upbeat music for the summer months.  I have really enjoyed it. 

Well that is all for today.  Thanks for checking out my month in review! 

Have a wonderful day,

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