Traverse City Trip!

Happy Tuesday Friends! I am so sorry that last week I was absent from the blog! Life has been kicking me in the butt lately and I have been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.  That being said, I am actively working to get myself more organized and will do my darnedest to get a few posts in this week!

Two weekends ago I went up to Traverse City with one of my oldest and dearest friends for a long girls weekend getaway! And let me tell you, it was exactly what I needed.  So here is a little recap of our girls weekend getaway!

On Friday, Kimmy and I made our way up to Traverse City in the morning so we could do some shopping and check out the city before the other girls go up north.  When we arrived in Traverse City they were having a street sale so we spent some time shopping around and looking at all of the items for sale! It was great to just shop around and enjoy an afternoon relaxing.

On Friday night we went to dinner at one of the local bars to see a band that one of the ladies really liked.  The food was so delicious and the music was amazing! I loved the atmosphere and the music was great! The evening ended with us spending time at the beach and watching the sunset.  


Saturday morning we all woke up early because the AirBNB we were staying in were earlier risers.  It worked to our advantage because we got up and made our way out the door before everything got too crowded.  Our day started with a trip to Suttons Bay to do some shopping.  It was great to see this little town and spend some time looking around.  I managed to pick up a shirt for Justin and some artwork for myself before we made our way to lunch and the beach.

Before hitting the beach, we stopped at Tandem Ciders for a hard cider tasting.  It was so interesting to taste all of the different types of ciders they have available! I think my favorite was their strawberry apple cider.  Such a great taste and it is the epitome of summer and fall combined.  

After Tandem Ciders, we hit the beach to swim and relax! Jenny had brought her paddle board up, so while we were at the beach I tried my hand at paddle boarding.  It was great to just be at the beach and enjoy the water and the beautiful weather.

After the beach we went back to the house to wash up and get ready to go out for dinner.  My hair actually dried nicely from the beach so I just let it go curly (yay!).  Before going to dinner, we made our way to Chateau Chantal for a wine tasting.  I have only ever done one wine tasting before, so it was great to try some other types of wine that were locally made! 

After the wine tasting, we made our way to The Jolly Pumpkin for dinner.  We had about 20 minutes to kill before our table would be ready, so we decided to look around the grounds and enjoy the sunset.  One of the best parts of Traverse City is how beautiful the sunsets are over the water.  Obviously Michigan is filled with water, but sometimes I am in awe of how beautiful my home state is.  Dinner was filled with delicious food and great company.  


Sunday morning was another early morning for us girls.  Our first stop was Sleeping Bear Dunes for a hike.  For this hike, we went to the Empire Bluff trail which is about a mile and a half in total without too much of an incline all at once.  As we were hiking, we started noticing these rose petals everywhere.  Of course this was extremely intriguing, so we kept asking everyone we saw on our way up the trail with no luck identifying the culprit.

Once we got to the summit, we figured where the rose petals had come from! Someone had brought at least 2 dozen beautiful roses to the top and had put them all over the place.  Our first guess is either someone either A: got married or B: got engaged.  Either way the flowers were super beautiful. 

After hiking, we ran to change into our bathing suits so we could go swim at a nearby beach.  This beach was a little bit more crowded, but there was some awesome waves.  After about four hours at the beach, we finally had enough before needing to head back and get changed for dinner. 

Late lunch on Sunday was a Stormcloud Brewing Company.  We each got a meal and an appetizer to pass and it was all super delicious! I love getting to try a bunch of different foods all at once.  After dinner we just walked around for a little bit before making our way back to the house.  

After changing and getting ready for the evening, we went back down to downtown Traverse City to enjoy another amazing sunset and dinner.  By this point I had eaten way too much food and was not too hungry so I ordered something to go and ended up eating it for breakfast on Monday.


Monday morning we got up and packed up the car for the drive home.  We had a little time to kill so we went back to Downtown Traverse City for some last minute shopping.  I ended up getting a tank top and a magnet from High Five Threads (love their stuff).  After shopping, we said our goodbyes and made our way home to get back to real life. 

Overall, the trip was amazing! I hope that Kimmy invites me back next year to join her and the girls.

Question of the Day: What is your favorite place you've traveled? 

I'd love to hear from you!

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