Happy Autumn Everyone!


Happy Thursday friends! I hope your week has been going well and you are looking forward to some fun things this coming weekend! Right now we are planning to go to the Renaissance Festival and then hanging out around the house for the weekend.

But on a more exciting note, today is the First day of Autumn or the Autumn Equinox! I am a huuugeeee fan of Fall, so I have been anxiously awaiting the "official" arrival of all things fall and I am looking forward to enjoying all of the wonderful things that come along with the Fall.

In Michigan, Autumn means cooler weather, changing leaves, cider and donuts, pumpkins and fresh picked apples.  For the last several years, we have made it a point to go apple picking and we have a plan to go October 9th to pick apples with out friends.

So what does Fall mean to you? I hope you are just as excited as I am for the Fall!

Question of the Day: What are you looking forward to this Fall?

If you are a lover of all things television, check out my Fall TV Preview post for a fun few ideas of shows to watch this Fall.

I'd love to hear from you!

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