Weekend Highs & Lows #46

Hello everyone!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with fun and exciting adventures  

Happy Halloween Friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and were able to enjoy some costumes and parties with friends! 



On Friday night, Justin went out to The Melting Pot to celebrate our 5th Anniversary! It is so crazy to think that we have been married for five years and together a grand total of 12.  Dinner on Friday was so nice because Justin surprised me with rose petals and a bouquet of roses at the table when we arrived.

The evening ended with us watching 27 Dresses and passing out because we had so much food we were in a food coma.

Saturday started with us running to check on my cousin's dog because she had her baby! We were hoping he would be born on our anniversary, but he made his grand arrival on Saturday around four in the morning.  In the afternoon, we went to Justin's cousin Wesley's house for cake and ice cream to celebrate Wesley's birthday before rushing home to partake in the Halloween "Boo" trail and party for the kids in our neighborhood.

Saturday evening, we tried a cooking class at Sur La Table and it was so much fun!  We made some delicious steak, salad, sqush au gratin and dessert.  I am excited to try the Au Gratin Recipe for Thanksgiving in a few weeks! It was so good! 

Sunday in the morning we made our way out to Best Buy so Justin could pick up his Anniversary gift (it was back ordered otherwise he would have received it on Friday).  After Best Buy we made our way to Target to pick up a few things and grab a gift for my cousin's baby as we had planned to go visit them at the hospital.  I also picked up a dress for Thanksgiving! I am in love with this dress from Target.  

After the hospital, we made our way home and spent the rest of the day hanging out at home and playing video games with some of our best friends.  Overall, it was a great weekend!


I did zero chores all weekend and I feel a little overwhelmed by all of the things I have to get done by this Saturday!

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