January: Month @ a Glance

Happy New Year Friends! 

I hope your new year has gotten off to an exciting start (or a relaxing start) and you are looking forward to one more day of vacation before getting back to the normal routine of things.  Yesterday we spent the day playing a "new" board game that Justin's mom got me with Nick and Kevin: 221 B. Baker Street.  The game originally came out in 1977, but we had a blast playing five rounds and solving all of the clues for the game.  It's for 14+, but we found that we wnated

January is going to be a fun and exciting month for us! I am hoping to start the year off with some home organization and de-cluttering over the next 30 days.  If I get the chance, I will be sure to share my organizing tips with you all.

On the agenda this month:

  1. Meeting with our financial adviser
  2. Justin's 30th Birthday! 
  3. Sur la Table cooking class with mom 
  4. Blogger Post-Holiday Event 
  5. Lazy Sunday with the Girls
  6. Dermatologist Appointment
  7. Blogger event with EatPakd
  8. Drag Queen Bingo for Christina's birthday
  9. Nestie Post Holiday Event

Goals for January 2017!

Just like last year, I will have goals for every month.  However, this year I actually am going to stick to them {I swear, I swear}.  

1. Read Two Books! So last year, my goal was to read 12 books and I managed to hit that goal! For 2017, I would like to read 24 books.  The plan is to read my Owl Crate book for the month and then another book off my to be read book list.  If you want to join me in my quest to read 24 books this year, follow me on Goodreads.  And if you'd like to join the OwlCrate Book Group on Goodreads, check it out here! This month I will be finishing The Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines and I will be reading Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst

2. Go through my clothes/shoes and donate.  One of the goals I have for 2017 is to go through all of the stuff we have and get rid of anything that we do not need/want anymore.  I have been noticing that we've been holding on to a lot of things that we just do not need anymore.  In January I would like to go start by going through all of my clothes/shoes and start purging.

Well that is all for the month of January! 

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned for this January?

I'd love to hear from you!

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