Word of 2017

Hello Friends! Today I wanted to share my 2017 Word for the year.  A few years ago, I shared my word for the year {joy} and I wanted to pick that back up for 2017.  So a few weeks ago, I posted on my personal Facebook asking my friends to share a positive word that start with the same letter as their first name.

Ironically, the word I used a few years ago popped back up and actually was another top contender for this year.  However, I wanted to pick something different.  I wanted something that would be a little more complicated to incorporate.  When you use joyful or thankful, it is something that you might already have practiced (like in November with 30 days of Thankful).  But for me, I wanted this year to be something different...

So my word of 2017 is....

My dear blogger friend, Elizabeth (check out her book blog), actually gave me two great words to work with: Light and Energy (Light for Liz, and Energy for Elizabeth).  I debated back and forth between these two words for a while because I just was not sure how I could implement either into my life.  With energy - it could take on several meanings, like putting more energy into things or being a positive energy for others.  But with light, there were so many different ways you could interpret that, so that is how I ended up with "Light" as my word for 2017. 

When I think of the word "light" I think about the fact that light touches everything.  It is something that we can feel with the sun, it is something that we use to describe situations and it is how we measure the weight of things.  For the purposes of my word for 2017, I am defining light as "be a light".  In 2017, I want to be a light in other people's lives.  I want people to feel warm when they are around me and share in that light.  And hopefully my light will influence others as well.

And in honor of Alan Rickman and Professor Snape, I thought I would share this picture - which will be my inspiration/reminder for 2017.  I currently put it as my lock screen on my phone! 

Question of the Day: Do you have a word for the year?

I'd love to hear from you!

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1 comment

  1. Great pick! I went with a phrase: Follow Your Arrow. Happy New Year to you, I hope it is a great one!


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