Workin' It Wednesday: Balancing Home & Work Life

Happy Wednesday Friends! I hope all is well and you are having a great day so far! Instead of doing a Stranded With... post every month this year, Shay and Erika have switched things up and have come up with "Workin' It Wednesdays".  I am excited about this one because some of the topics look very interesting! Make sure to check out the link up and join in on the fun either in the comment section of my blog or my Facebook Page.  I always love hearing from you all!  

For March we are covering...

Balancing Home & Work Life

This topic has been one that has been on my mind a lot lately, so I am glad this post is popping up.  February was a difficult month for Justin and I.  I started it out with the plague  a really bad cold that was going around my office, then I had a huge event the week of Valentine's Day that ate all of my time, then ended up with a secondary infection in my inner ear and generally felt like crud for the entire month of February.  

I am not sure when, but I started to realize that I was not balancing my home life and work life well.  I would come home and completely crash because I was so stressed out and instead of getting things done, I would sit on the couch and watch T.V.  Not exactly productive, huh?

So throughout the month of February, I decided that it was time for me to take a step back and reevaluate my schedule.  On an average day, I leaving the house by 6:30 am, getting home by 6:00pm and was falling behind on all areas of my life.  So I decided in March that I would cut back on a few things and do a better job managing my time and so far I would say I've been fairly successful.  I eliminated my freelance writing through UpWork, created a cleaning routine at home then made a schedule for the entire month of March that has been helping me keep everything in order the last week.

But one of the biggest lessons I learned in February is that it is 100% okay to not have everything together all the time.  If you are an avid follower, you were probably disappointed that I did not post for the entire month of February.  Well let me tell you, I beat myself up over the fact that I had not been dedicating time to something that brings me joy and connects me with others.  But I also learned to cut myself some slack.  There literally were not enough hours in the day for me accomplish everything I had piled on myself.  

So I forced myself to take a step back and re-prioritize everything that I was doing.  And let me tell you, it is so rewarding to cut back on areas that are not necessary.  It is also so rewarding to take a step back and acknowledge that it is perfectly okay to not be perfect all the time.  When I did that, my whole world seemed less stressful.

Want to see how other bloggers balance work and home life? Check out the link up on Mix and Match Mama's blog today!

Up Next on Workin' It Wednesday....

Spring Cleaning

Question of the Day: How do you balance work and home?

I'd love to hear from you!

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