Currently: March 2017

Happy Thursday friends! I hope your week has been going well so far and you are looking forward to some fun plans this weekend! Today I am doing another fun round of "currently".  I came across this idea on Becca Door's Blog - you should check her out! 

ANTICIPATING: Our trip to Florida at the end of the month! We are heading down there for his cousin's wedding and I am looking forward to some warmer weather than what we've had here lately.

CLEANING: Nothing too specific lately.  I really need to go through my craft room and start kicking butt on that space, but that is more purging than it is cleaning.  I also need to take my sewing machine in for a deep clean and fix.  

DRINKING: I have really been digging the Cascara Latte from Starbucks and I think I have a few per week.  I appreciate that they are bitter with just a touch of sweetness to them.  It's the perfect drink on a cold morning.  

FEELING: Excited.  Justin and I have been getting quotes for landscaping and a patio in the back.  I am hoping to get at least 2 more quotes before we settle with anyone.  But I am really excited with what we have seen so far.  

WATCHING:  Honestly, I haven't been watching too much TV lately except for a few shows {This is Us, My Big Fat Fabulous Life & ANTM}.  Lately it's just been reading books which is always fun.

PLAYING: So we played Secret Hitler a few weekends ago with Kevin and Nick and this game is super fun! It's a game of wit and deceit.  Thankfully I managed to identify and kill Hitler twice so I felt pretty good.  If you're looking for a fun game that is a bit different, I highly recommend Secret Hitler.  

READING: I just finished We Were Liars yesterday.  Oh my goodness that ending was NOT at all what I was expecting it to be! I really enjoyed the book and I actually might read it again to see if they give clues about the ending that I maybe missed.  I've also been listening to the Ranger's Apprentice Series with Justin.  If you like battle/fantasy reads, then I would recommend the Ranger's Apprentice series for sure.  Today I am going to start reading Illuminae.  This book came highly recommended by my friends at The Owlcrate Society so I am super excited to read this book! 

RECOVERING: I have been fighting a cold/headache/allergies since early February.  With Michigan's weather floating between 30 degrees and 70 degrees in a week's time, my body is really not sure what to do.  

TRYING: To spend more time doing what Justin likes to do.  We've both been so busy lately that it seemed only fair to spend time doing some of the things he loves doing.  

WEARING: Whatever I could find.  We didn't have power this morning, so I was limited in what I could see.  Thankfully, I managed to grab an outfit I like and make myself look somewhat put together this morning.  

Question of the Day: What do you have going on "currently"?
I'd love to hear from you!

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