To blog or not to blog... that is the question

Hey there everyone! How in the world is it already the end of August? I hope this post finds you well and thriving. 

I wanted to stop by really quickly to let you know that I have not forgotten about you.  And tell you that I have not completely given up on the blog, but I have also been having a hard time coming up with content that I felt would be valuable to my readers.  

When I started RunwithJackabee back in 2012, the thought was for my blog to be a place where I tracked my exercise and tracked my training for my first ever 1/2 marathon.  But if you've been around for a while, you know that I never ran that 1/2 marathon in 2012, and the blog kind of took a wild turn and became something completely different.  

To be honest, that is how my life goes.  One month, my passions will be focused on time with family/friends, the next I will want time to myself and will focus on reading books or doing individual activities, then the next I could be completely interested in something completely new to me.  And for the most part, I believe my blog has been able to keep up with the ebbs and flows of my world.

But this summer, something felt a little different to me.  I felt like I was creating content for the sake of "views" over creating something that brought me happiness/brought you happiness.  I realized that instead of being excited about my blog, I dreaded sitting down and coming up with what I wanted to share and eventually the blog fell by the wayside and I focused on other areas of my life.

Over the past two {almost} months, I have been taking time to reprioritize things in my life because instead of focusing on what is really important, I was focusing on doing things that made other people happy - often at the expense of my own happiness/health.  This realization has forced me to take a step back and start making a few changes in my life.  

So what does that mean for RunwithJackabee?

I  love writing, I love connecting with other bloggers and I love connecting with you all.  So the blog is not going anywhere, but for the next while you might find that it is a little scattered.  I really want this blog to reflect me and not be another item on my "to do" list.  My goal is to provide you with mostly fun content with some heavy hitting content sprinkled in.

I will continue to do some of my posts like Month @ a Glance, Monthly Book Reviews and other fun topics, but I will also be adding topics that come to mind as I go about my day-to-day life.

So what do you think? What would you like to see on the blog that I maybe did not cover before? 

I'd love to hear from you!


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