September: Month @ a Glance

Happy September 1st Friends! 

Welcome to September everybody! I am so excited we are finally making a quick approach to Fall.  Fall is my ABSOLUTE favorite time of year here in Michigan.  There is something just so special about the leaves changing and the weather cooling down {not to mention that I can breathe better - stupid asthma}.  September will be a fun and crazy month for us and I would not have it any other way.

This month on the blog I am hoping to share some fun things to do during the fall in Michigan, ideas around budgeting and how to keep track of your monies, share a little bit about how I am putting myself first {this one is SUPER hard for me} and share other fun and awesome posts.  The plan is to find a new and fun routine for the blog that allows me to enjoy the blog more than I ever have - I talked about this in yesterday's blog post if you have not already had a chance to read it.

So let's talk a little bit about what our month will look like!

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Up North for Labor Day with Justin's Parents
2. Destiny 2 Release Weekend (for all of you gamers out there)
3. Beth Moore Retreat in Ohio with my Mom
4. Vicki's Housewarming Party
5. Birthday Dinner for Caroline
6. Michigan Renaissance Fetival
7. Girls Night Out!

Goals for September 2017!

1. Read Two Books! I am behind on my monthly reading goal (by at least 2 books) so my goal is to read/finish two books.  Right now I am reading The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee so I am planning to finish that book.  Then I am also planning to participate in the Owlcrate Book Club! The team at Owlcrate started a new Facebook Group where Owlcrate Subscribers can do a read along with other readers.  I am excited to see how they plan this out! August's Owlcrate Book is The Hearts we Sold by Emily Lloyd-Jones

2. Clean out the pantry.  I am embarrassed to admit that this task was also on my July goals and I just have not gotten around to it.  I am hoping to pull everything out of the pantry and get rid of or donate things we no longer need and trash anything that has expired.  

3. Start moving boxes to the basement from the garage.  So last week Justin started working on the shelving in the basement and we were able to get all of the boxes off the floor and onto a shelf.  My goal is to get the boxes from the garage and into the basement so we have more room to the garage as a garage instead of a storage space {that's what the basement is for}.

4. Start working on the mudroom/powder room.  So a while back, Justin and I decided that it was time to start decorating our home, but at the time we really did not have a plan.  So we sat down and decided what order we were going to decorate the house and came to the conclusion that we would start small and go from there.  In July we finally finished decorating the dining room {yay!}, so the next space on our list is to get the mudroom/powder room completed.  I have some really fun ideas of things I'd like to do in there so this will be a fun project! Eventually when I get around to finishing the decorations, I will do a house tour and show you all everything! 

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have in September? 
I'd love to hear from you!


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  1. Sounds like you have a fun month coming up! I can't believe August went by so quickly.

    1. It is so hard to believe that August is already gone and we are a week into September!


Glad you stopped by! Please share your thoughts with me and I will do my best to respond ASAP!a