Thinking Out Loud Thursday #2

Happy Thursday Friends! 

I am super excited because I am linking up with Running with Spoons and some other fellow bloggers for the Thinking Out Thursdays Linky Party.

What it is…
A weekly celebration of quirks and randomness! An opportunity to take the pressure and stress out of writing by sharing whatever it is that happens to pop into your mind when you begin to type — all worries about sense and structure pushed aside. A collection of random and disjointed thoughts, just because.

1.  I am overly obsessed with my Papermate Flair pens.  Like, super obsessed.  I cannot leave the house without my pens in my bag and if, for some crazy reason, I do not have them, my life seems a bit disorganized.  Honestly, there is just something so wonderful about having so much color in my life.  #OCDmuch?

2.  I am frustrated that I do not have more time to dedicate to my Etsy Shop.  I started it back in June and have had a few likes, but no purchases yet.  I know these things take time, but I am impatient.  If anyone has tips on how to increase traffic to Etsy.  #boohoo #illstopwhiningnow

3. Sometimes I wish I was passionate about only a few things.  I know this sounds a bit strange, but I feel like I have too many interests where I cannot just pick one.  If you were to walk through our apartment and look at ALL of the craft supplies I have, you would not see one specific theme.  I have paint supplies, scrapbook supplies, quilting//sewing supplies, glitter, knitting supplies, hundreds of movies, hundreds of books... the list goes on.  I sometimes wish that I could just pick one thing and stick to only that.  I think maybe that will have to be my goal soon... one hobby a month? What do you all think? #needtodecide 

4. I am addicted to my Christmas themed tumbler cup.  I love that the cup is 22oz, has a straw and it does not sweat at all.  I am really picky about condensation and hate when cups sweat, so I was glad when I tried this cup out and it did not sweat one bit! I believe I bought this cup from Zulily last fall when they were having their Christmas decoration sales, but I am not 100% certain.  I did find some on Amazon though that are not all Christmas themed! I would highly recommend checking them out. #butitsnotChristmas 

5. So guess what I did last night... Yup! I tried pole dancing for the first time.  Honestly, I knew it was going to be difficult, but I did not realize exactly how difficult.  I was able to do a few of the moves and will continue going to learn more.  I am not looking to do any stripping or anything, just looking for exercise and some fun with my girlfriends. #icouldbarelyspin #totallyhaveafuturehere #not

Past Thinking Out Loud Thursdays

Question of the Day: 
What fun musings do you have floating around in your head? 
I'd love to hear from you!


  1. I've got the same obsession with pens. I have dozens of pens in my collection. I don't travel with them, but I keep them organized with all my crafting and planner stuff. The flairs are probably my favorite, but I also really like the Staedtler pens too. The Flairs write nicer, but the Staedtlers don't bleed as much. < Okay I'm rambling about pens now. See what I mean?

    1. I hear you about the Staedtler pens. They do not bleed as much, but they tend to smear and as a left handed person, I am not a fan of any pen that smears. I also feel like the Flair pens are a little bit more vibrant on paper than the Steadtler

  2. I think you just became my new online friend. I also have a pen obsession, but I've not tried the Flairs. (I haven't used them since middle school with overhead projectors. You know, pre-computers and projectors.) I carry around a bag of Micron Pens and Sharpie fine markers to art during the day. I've really enjoyed Zentangle type art lately.
    Then there is the jack-of-all-trades style. I feel the exact same way you do sometimes. I wonder what it would be like to have one passion that I was good at. Just one....
    ...But then a new idea pops into my head and that thought is gone.

    1. I have not tried the micron pens before - I will need to check those out! It is SO tough with the hobbies because I love doing all of them but the passion fizzles quickly 😕

  3. I'm the same way. I flip-flop from one thing to another but, I guess that's what makes us more fun!

    1. So true. It is always good to have a lot of passions - I just worry I have too many ;)

  4. Gotta love pole dancing. Great way to stay fit, flexible and healthy.

    1. The fit part I get... flexible I am not. haha I am working on that though. :)


Glad you stopped by! Please share your thoughts with me and I will do my best to respond ASAP!a