What's Up Wednesday #17

Happy Hump Day friends! 

Today I am participating in another round of What's Up Wednesday

Once a month I join in the fun with SheafferMel and Shay answering some fun questions and sharing what fun things are happening.  Here's the questions we answer every month...

Before I hit the ground running, I wanted to apologize for being absent! I have been fighting some super nasty cold and just have not had the energy to do anything other than work and sleep.  Hopefully I start recovering soon so I can get back to normal.

What We're Eating this Week
I have been craving Cheesy Chicken and Rice, so this week I will find a day to make that for Justin and I.  It is such a delicious meal and is super easy to make!

What I'm Reminiscing About
I was on the phone with a friend the other day and we were talking about when Justin and I first got married.  I always think back to our first year of marriage and smile.  Such a fun and exciting time in our lives.  

What I'm Loving
I love seeing all the kiddos in their costumes.  On Sunday I volunteered in our subdivision for the Halloween Boo Trail and got to see some super cute costumes on the kids! There was one little that had a dragon costume on and could not see very well.  It was so cute watching him walk around!

What We've Been Up To
Honestly, a whole lot of nothing.  With me being sick, it has been hard for me to do anything other than just working and relaxing.  This cold has been kicking my booty hard and I do not see an end in sight. 

What I'm Dreading
Going to the dentist.  I have never really had a bad experience at the dentist, but I also feel like it's one of those things I just.... hate.  I guess the best way to describe it is a necessary evil.  

What I'm Working On
I am currently working on two different knitting projects.  One is a pattern I swear I've done 20+ times before and the other is a brand new pattern.  I like trying new knitting projects because they always bring with them a new challenge.  

What I'm Looking Forward To
This Friday we're having a Halloween party and Saturday is our anniversary! I love Halloween and cannot wait to celebrate with our friends.  

What I'm Watching/Reading
Have you watched The Good Doctor yet? If you have not, I highly recommend it! 

What I'm Listening To
Just a whole lot of Spotify.  Nothing too exciting.  

What I'm Wearing
Michigan cannot decide if it is going to stay warm or cool off so I have been wearing a lot of light-weight long sleeved shirts so that I am not too cold or too hot.  We turned on our heat for one day, but so far that is all we've needed it.  I think this weekend will change that.  

What I'm Doing this Weekend
Friday night we're having a Halloween Costume party at our house! I am excited to see what costumes everyone comes up with! Then Saturday is our anniversary so we will be doing something to celebrate then! 

Previous What's Up Wednesday Posts

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