November: Month @ a Glance

Happy November 1st Friends! 

I hope you had a wonderful Halloween yesterday! I had a blast passing out candy to the kiddos in our neighborhood and listening to the awesome spooky music.  I think my favorite costume of the night was four teen girls dressed up as a puzzle! They even "assembled" the puzzle for me which was so cool.

It's hard to believe we are "officially" into the Holiday Season! With Thanksgiving in 23 days and Christmas in 53 days I am super excited! I've even started brainstorming some awesome Christmas ideas for friends/family!

So let's talk a little bit about what our month will look like!

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Pick Up Justin's New Phone! 
2. Snow Show with Justin's Family
3. Barnes and Noble Holiday Webinar (excited to check this out)
4. Justin's friend is visiting for the weekend
5. Saline Craft Show with Justin's Sister
6. Friendsgiving!
7. Thanksgiving Holiday
8. Black Friday Shopping
9. My cousin's baby shower!

I am so excited to do ALL of these things! Especially all of the things that involve time with our family and friends!

Goals for November 2017!

1. Read Two Books! This month my goal is to read two books: Before She Ignites by Jodi Meadows from my September Owlcrate and A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman.  A Man Called Ove has been on my list for a loooonggg time, so I am excited to read it.  

2. Clean out the pantry.  Justin started cleaning out the food and organized it a little bit so all I need to do is go in there and use my boxes and organize things in there.

3. Finish moving boxes to the basement from the garage.  We really need to get working on this.  I'll have a long weekend over Thanksgiving, so my goal will be to work on this space.

4. Start (and maybe finish) Christmas Shopping.  I am hoping to get going on shopping so we can enjoy our December and not be worried about shopping.  

Goals for October 2017!

1. Read Two Books! I did not finish either of these books and I am so sad! They both look so great so I am hoping I can work on them in November.  

2. Clean out the pantry.  Did not even touch the pantry; however, Justin spent some time cleaning out the food so he gave me a jump start. 

3. Finish moving boxes to the basement from the garage.  They're still sitting out there... ha.

4. Paint the ceiling in the mudroom/powder room.  Also did not do this one.

5. Order blinds for the garage and powder room.  Oh look, didn't do this one either.  *facepalm*

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have in November? 
I'd love to hear from you!


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