January Book Review

Welcome to my January Book Review! 

I am super excited to be picking up the monthly book reviews again and would love to hear what fun things you all have read over the past month.  Sit back, grab a nice cup of coffee and great ready to hear about some fun books!

First up:

When this book came out last year, I asked Justin to use one of our Audible tokens to download this book and I finally got around to listening to it this month.  John Green, as always, did an excellent job writing this book and I must say it will likely be a book I read over and over.  Turtles All the Way Down is a bit different from anything John Green has done because he addresses the realities of having a mental disorder (specifically anxiety).  I really appreciated how he put the reader inside the head of someone that has anxiety struggles, but also shows how those struggles can be addressed and managed.  I should note that if you have anxiety or are sensitive to areas of mental illness, you should be advised that the book does go into detail and could potentially be a trigger for some.  

This book covers the A Book with an Animal in the Title category in the 2018 PopSugar Reading Challenge.  You read more about the challenge in my 2018 Reading Goals blog post.  

Another book that has been sitting on my shelf for a LONG time is The Siren by Kiera Cass.  I loved this book from the very first chapter, which of course surprised me because I often do not enjoy an authors first book.  They tend to be a bit clunky and scattered, but Cass knew what she was doing and draws you right in from the beginning.  This book covers the struggles of doing what is right and doing what is necessary and it forces the reader to think about what sacrifice in the name of love really looks like.  I definitely enjoyed this book.  And for those of you that recognize her name, Kiera Cass wrote the wonderful Selection Series Books.  I would highly recommend checking those books out if you are a fan of The Bachelor.  

This book covers the A Book Set at Sea category in the 2018 PopSugar Reading Challenge.

And my last book for today...

So how I came across this book is kind of random.  Justin and I went to Target to get some shelving for our living room (oh my gosh we are almost done decorating that space - I cannot wait to share the updates) and while Justin shopped I had a nice gentleman help me load the shelves into my car.  Upon seeing my license plate, he asked me if I had ever read the Jackaby series.  Of course I said no, but asked him what they were about.  He excitedly told me that it was a Sherlock Holmes / fantasy / mystery book and he would highly recommend reading it.  Well thank you Mr. Target worker! Not only was the book fun to read, it also kept me on the edge of my seat.  The stories are told from the perspective of Mr. Jackaby's assistant and her voice throughout the story is excellent.  I fully intend on reading more of the books in the series as I am highly intrigued by the fantasy part of the books.  

This book covers the Your Favorite Prompt from 2015, 2016 or 2017 category in the 2018 PopSugar Reading Challenge.  I chose the prompt: A Book Recommended by Someone You Just Met. 

Okay that wraps up my January Book Review! What did you read this month?? I am always looking for new suggestions of books to read.  Please comment below and share.

To see a complete list of the books I've read this year plus a link to their reviews, go here.  

If you want to follow along on my reading challenge, let's be friends on Goodreads! Such a great site to keep track of what you've read and get ideas from fellow bookworms.  

I'd love to hear from you!

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